Recent Mold Remediation Posts

A Guide to Mold Remediation in Irving, Texas

7/1/2024 (Permalink)

As homeowners, safeguarding your property and health is a top priority. Mold growth is a common yet often overlooked issue that should be addressed promptly. At SERVPRO of North Irving, we understand the importance of a safe, mold-free home.

We have been a Texas-licensed Mold Remediation Contractor for over a decade, and we have nearly 40 years of damage restoration experience.  We’ve helped thousands of homeowners with mold remediation issues, and we are ready to help you, too. 

Understanding Mold: The Invisible Invader

Mold is a type of fungus that thrives in moist, humid environments. Growth is common in areas like bathrooms, basements, and kitchens, and mold spores can quickly spread and become a problem for both inhabitants and the structure itself. The warm, humid climate of Irving, Texas, makes homes particularly susceptible to mold growth, necessitating regular checks and maintenance.

Signs You Need Mold Remediation

Recognizing the early signs of mold is crucial for effective remediation. Here are some key indicators:

- Musty Odors: A persistent, earthy smell is often the first sign of mold.  If you smell mold, look around your immediate area for growth. 

- Visible Growth: Mold can appear as black, green, or white patches on walls, ceilings, or floors.  Start by looking in areas that are susceptible to water and moisture intrusion, like around windows, doors, and plumbing. 

- Water Damage: Past water damage, such as leaks or flooding, can create an ideal environment for mold growth.  Areas that were not properly remediated are very susceptible to mold growth. 

Why Professional Mold Remediation is Essential

Professional mold remediation ensures complete removal and prevention of future growth. Here’s why you should consider expert help:

- Thorough Inspection: Professional mold restoration companies conduct comprehensive inspections to identify all mold-affected areas, even hidden ones.

Advanced Techniques: Experts can effectively remove mold and treat affected areas using specialized equipment and techniques. SERVPRO of North Irving staff uses specific mold cleaners, HVAC air filtration systems, negative air machines, containment, and more. 

- Health Safety: Professional mold remediation minimizes health risks by using proper protective gear and containment methods. SERVPRO of North Irving employs state-certified Mold Remediation Workers and Contractors who are familiar with safely handling mold growth. 

Prevention: Experts can provide guidance on preventing future mold growth, potentially saving you the trouble of future mold growth in your home. Besides mold remediation, SERVPRO can also help you spot potential problem areas and safeguard your property. 

The Mold Remediation Process at SERVPRO of North Irving

At SERVPRO of North Irving, we follow a systematic approach to ensure your home is mold-free and safe. Here’s what our process looks like:

  1. Initial Inspection and Assessment

Our certified technicians begin with a thorough inspection to assess the extent of mold damage. This includes checking for hidden wet spots in walls, under flooring, and in HVAC systems.

  1. Containment

To prevent mold spores from spreading, we establish containment areas using physical barriers and negative air pressure techniques.

  1. Air Filtration

We use advanced air filtration systems, including HEPA vacuums and air scrubbers, to capture mold spores from the air.

  1. Mold Removal

Using antifungal and antimicrobial treatments, we remove mold colonies and prevent new ones from forming. This step may involve removing and disposing of heavily affected materials like drywall or carpeting.

  1. Cleaning and Sanitizing

All belongings, such as furniture, curtains, and personal items, are cleaned and sanitized. We also deodorize your home to eliminate any musty odors.

  1. Restoration

The final step is restoring your home to its original condition. Depending on the extent of the mold damage, this might include minor repairs like replacing drywall, painting, or reconstruction.

Preventing Mold in Your Irving Home

Prevention is the key to keeping your home mold-free. Here are some tips:

- Control Humidity: Use dehumidifiers, especially in basements and bathrooms, to keep humidity levels below 60%.

- Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in high-moisture areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

- Repair Leaks: Promptly fix any leaks in roofs, walls, or plumbing to prevent moisture buildup.

- Regular Inspections: Schedule regular mold inspections, especially if you’ve experienced water damage in the past.

Trust SERVPRO of North Irving for Your Mold Remediation Needs

Mold remediation is not just about removing visible mold; it’s about ensuring a safe and healthy living environment for you and your family. At SERVPRO of North Irving, we are committed to providing professional mold remediation services using the latest technology and techniques.

If you suspect mold in your home, don’t wait. Contact us today for a thorough inspection and professional mold remediation services. Your home and health are worth it.

For more information, visit our website or call us.  We’re Here to Help. 

Mold Remediation Irving, Texas

4/21/2023 (Permalink)

mold damaged wall SERVPRO of North Irving is a licensed Texas Mold Remediation Contractor. Give a call to mold removal help.

Mold is a type of fungus that can grow indoors and outdoors, and it thrives in moist environments and quickly spreads through spores released into the air. Mold can cause damage to buildings, as it can weaken structures and cause unpleasant odors.

Mold remediation is the process of removing mold from a building or other environment. This typically involves

  • Identify the source of mold growth
  • Reduce moisture levels in affected areas
  • Remove contaminated materials or replace them with clean ones
  • Clean, sanitize, and deodorize surfaces to remove any remaining traces of mold
  • Investigate other sources of water damage or potential future water intrusion problems
  • Seal any penetrations in walls or floors that may be vulnerable to future water infiltration.

Mold remediation contractors are professionals who specialize in removing mold from buildings. They have the expertise and equipment needed to safely and effectively remove mold and prevent its future growth.

Signs of Mold Growth

Mold is a natural part of our environment and can never be entirely removed. While mold grows extensively inside a property, it becomes a problem that must be addressed.

Several signs indicate the presence of mold growth in a building or other indoor environment. One of the most obvious signs is a musty or unpleasant odor. Mold has a distinct smell, often earthy, damp, or mildewy. Even if you cannot see any visible signs of mold, you may be able to detect its presence by its pungent odor.

Another sign of mold growth is discoloration or staining on walls, ceilings, or floors. Mold often appears as black, brown, or green spots that grow in clusters. You may also notice a fuzzy or cotton-like texture on the surface, indicating mold growth. Also, mold can cause discoloration on fabrics, such as curtains or upholstery, showing mold growth.

If you have experienced any water damage, such as flooding or leaks, it's essential to inspect the affected area for mold growth. Water damage often creates the ideal environment for mold to thrive, so addressing any water damage as soon as possible is necessary to prevent mold growth. A professional water damage restoration company can help.

If you notice any of these signs of mold growth, it's essential to take action immediately by contacting a professional mold remediation contractor. They can assess the situation and provide effective mold removal services to ensure your indoor environment is safe and healthy.

Mold Remediation Contractors

A mold remediation contractor is a professional who specializes in removing mold from buildings and other indoor environments. These specialists have extensive knowledge of the various types of mold and how they flourish in moist environments. As such, they have the expertise and equipment necessary to quickly and effectively remove mold and prevent its future growth.

In Texas, mold remediation contractors must be licensed to perform mold removal services. Further, any technicians on-site during the mold remediation process much also be certified.

Mold above 25 contiguous square feet in length must be reported to the state of Texas. A mold remediation contractor should have prior experience remediating mold of this size, and they should offer to take care of all necessary paperwork.

When choosing a mold contractor, verify the state licenses them, have certified technicians, and can help you navigate the remediation process should the size of your mold warrant that state paperwork be completed.

The Mold Remediation Process

Mold remediation contractors have a thorough process for identifying sources of mold growth. They conduct a comprehensive visual inspection of the property at the onset to ascertain any visible mold growth. Their experienced eyes are trained to pick out even the slightest trace of mold growth.

They also use various equipment and techniques to detect hidden sources of mold growth. One such piece of equipment is a moisture meter, which measures the moisture level in a suspected area, and high moisture levels often indicate the presence of mold in the area.

Moreover, mold remediation contractors may also use thermal imaging cameras to detect wet spots or areas with a high moisture level. These cameras capture images of temperature differences, and any anomalies or damp defects may suggest the presence of hidden mold growth.

Once the sources of mold growth are located, remediation contractors develop a customized mold removal plan. One immediate step in the plan will be to reduce moisture levels in the affected area.

Moisture removal may involve several methods, including dehumidifiers, air movers, and specialized drying equipment. These tools work together to remove excess moisture from the air and surfaces, ensuring the indoor environment is dry and inhospitable to mold growth.

A contractor may also recommend changes to your HVAC system or ventilation, as these can significantly maintain proper moisture levels inside your property. By ensuring that the air is circulating through the property correctly, a contractor can help to prevent the buildup of moisture and reduce the risk of mold growth. When the moisture levels are right, restoring the affected materials will be time.

Mold remediation contractors use a systematic approach to remove contaminated materials and prevent further mold growth. First, they isolate the affected area to prevent the spread of mold spores to other parts of the property. This is done by sealing off all openings and covering the floors and walls with plastic sheeting.

Next, the contractors remove any porous materials contaminated with mold, such as drywall or insulation. These materials cannot be effectively cleaned and must be disposed of properly, and Non-porous materials such as tile, concrete, and metal can be disinfected.

Once the contaminated materials are removed, the contractors begin the cleaning process. They use special HEPA vacuums and air filtration devices to remove mold spores from the air and surfaces. The affected area is then cleaned with a biocide solution to kill any remaining mold spores, creating a barrier between the mold and the rest of the property and preventing it from spreading.

It is important to note that mold remediation contractors do not simply paint over or cover up mold growth. This is a temporary solution that will not prevent mold from returning. Contractors must follow strict guidelines and industry standards to ensure that all mold is removed correctly and the property is safe to occupy.

Moreover, mold remediation contractors are also trained to utilize advanced technological solutions in their remediation work. For instance, some contractors may use dry ice blasting, which involves using dry ice pellets to blast away the mold spores from surfaces without damaging the underlying material.

Some mold-infected contents may be restorable. A mold remediation contractor certified as an Esporta Wash Operator can sanitize and restore mold-infested textiles, like blankets, plush animals, shoes, and more. Your contents will be packed, taken to the contractor's cleaning facilities, and then returned to you.

Apart from identifying and eliminating mold growth, mold remediation contractors take steps to investigate other sources of water damage or potential future water intrusion problems. This is to prevent mold growth from recurring and ensure the safety of the property.

To investigate water intrusion issues, contractors may start by inspecting the property's exterior to check for any visible signs of water damage, such as cracks, leaks, or damage to the roof or foundation. Any identified problems are then repaired to prevent further water intrusion.

Sometimes, mold growth may occur due to faulty plumbing or drainage issues. To investigate these potential sources of water damage, mold remediation contractors may use cameras to inspect the pipes, drains, and other plumbing fixtures. This allows them to identify and fix the problem before it causes further damage. Any leaks or water damage is addressed and repaired to prevent further infiltration. This may involve replacing damaged pipes, fixing broken or clogged drainage systems, repairing damaged roofs, or sealing cracks in the foundation.

One of the crucial steps that a mold remediation contractor takes is to seal any penetrations in walls or floors that may be vulnerable to future water infiltration. This is to prevent mold growth due to moisture buildup in the property.

To accomplish this, the contractor thoroughly inspects the property to identify any possible entry points for water. Penetrations such as gaps, cracks, and holes are identified and sealed using various techniques.

For instance, sealants or caulks may be used to plug gaps, while patches or plugs may be used to fill larger openings. The goal is to ensure that there are no points of entry for water into the property.

Also, mold remediation contractors may use waterproof membranes to cover any surfaces vulnerable to moisture, such as walls or floors. These membranes act as a barrier to prevent water from seeping into the property and creating an environment conducive to mold growth.

By addressing vulnerability points and sealing any penetrations, mold remediation contractors ensure that the property is protected from future water damage and mold growth. This proactive approach eliminates the current mold problem and prevents it from recurring in the future.

How to Choose a Mold Remediation Company

When choosing a mold remediation company, several essential factors must be considered. Firstly, ensuring that the company is licensed and certified to perform mold remediation services is crucial. This certification ensures that the company has undergone the necessary training and has the expertise to handle mold-related issues.

Secondly, it is essential to consider the experience of the mold remediation company. A company that has been in the industry for several years is likely to have encountered many different types of mold growth and would have learned the best practices for removal and prevention.

Another critical factor to consider is the tools and equipment that the company uses. Mold remediation requires specialized equipment such as HEPA vacuums, dehumidifiers, air movers, and moisture meters. A high-quality company should have access to these tools and be trained to use them effectively.

In addition to the equipment, it is essential to consider the techniques used by the mold remediation company. A good company will use industry-standard techniques and best practices for mold remediation, such as containment, air filtration, and removing contaminated materials from the property.

A good mold remediation company should also provide comprehensive testing and inspection services. This involves testing the air quality to identify the type and levels of mold spores present and investigating the property to detect any potential sources of water damage. This ensures that the root causes of the mold problem are addressed and the property is protected from future mold growth.

Lastly, it is crucial to consider the reputation and customer service provided by the mold remediation company. Reviews and customer feedback can give you an insight into the company's expertise and whether they are reliable, trustworthy, and provide excellent customer service.

SERVPRO of North Irving's Mold Removal Team

If you're looking for a reliable and experienced mold remediation contractor, SERVPRO of North Irving is your best bet. Here are some reasons why you should choose us for your mold remediation needs:

1. We're certified and licensed: Our team is licensed by the state of Texas. This means we have the necessary training and expertise to safely and effectively handle mold infestation.

2. We've been in the industry for over 30 years: With over three decades of experience, SERVPRO of North Irving has seen it all regarding mold problems. We've worked with residential and commercial clients and successfully resolved even the most challenging mold infestations.

3. We use state-of-the-art equipment: To ensure thorough and effective mold remediation, we use the latest equipment and technology, including HEPA vacuums, air scrubbers, and moisture meters. These tools allow us to detect and eliminate mold wherever it may be hiding.

4. We follow industry-standard techniques: Our mold remediation process follows the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the state of Texas. We use proven techniques such as containment, air filtration, and removal of contaminated materials to ensure the safety and health of our clients.

5. We provide comprehensive testing and inspection: At SERVPRO of North Irving, we don't just remediate mold - we tackle the root cause of the problem. That's why we conduct thorough testing and inspections to identify any sources of water damage so that we can prevent future mold growth.

6. We're committed to excellent customer service: Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients. From the initial assessment to the final cleanup, we'll work with you every step of the way to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Contact our team today for mold remediation service.

We're Here to Help.

What’s the Difference Between Orange and Black Mold?

12/9/2021 (Permalink)

moldy interior When mold is growing uncontrollably in your home or business, it is imperative that you hire professionals to remove it for you.

Believe it or not, molds come in many different colors that you might not recognize. We often think of mold as only black spores that can develop on your walls or other areas of your property. In truth, spores can come in different varieties, and it's important to understand the various types that can grow in your home or business.

Keep reading to learn how to spot the difference between black and orange mold and how you can inspect for them.

What is Mold?

Mold develops in multicellular structures that produce spores found both indoors and outdoors. It is a type of fungi that can be found just about anywhere and can grow so long as there is moisture in the environment. 

Molds that develop in a building can be detrimental to its structure. For this reason, it’s crucial you hire Dallas mold remediation services right away when you find mold spots in your home.

Black Mold

Black mold is probably the most infamous type of mold you’ll see in many buildings. 

Generally, black molds most often affect building interiors. Some common types of black mold include:

  • Cladosporium
  • Stachybotrys
  • Alternaria
  • Aspergillus

Orange Mold

Unlike black mold, orange mold is much more destructive and faster growing. Orange mold can cause severe damage to wooden structures over time.

Orange mold can typically be found on wooden structures, such as:

  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Floors

Keeping Mold Out of Your Home or Business

When you’re inspecting your home for mold, look for any water damage or any signs of spore growth. Do this on a regular basis when performing your routine building maintenance.

When you do notice the above signs, resolve them immediately. Call for professional Dallas mold remediation services.

In order to prevent molds from developing, do your best to control the humidity levels in the building. Repair your roof if it is leaking, as well as your pipes and windows. Make sure to thoroughly clean and dry any wet areas of your home. Also, ventilate your bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry area.

Why Hire Dallas Mold Remediation Services?

When mold is growing uncontrollably in your home or business, it is imperative that you hire professionals to remove it for you. Mold can be difficult to remove, which is why its handling is best left in expert hands.

Professional Dallas mold remediation services carry the proper equipment to remove spores. Also, through their expertise, they’ll be able to ensure spores won’t grow back anytime soon.

Need Mold Removed? Call SERVPRO of North Irving Today.

SERVPRO of North Irving houses a team of professionals who are expertly trained to tackle any and all forms of mold while using advanced technology. With their expertise, we feel confident you’ll be satisfied with the results of their work as your home or business becomes mold-free again.

When you’re in need of our Dallas mold remediation services, call us at (972) 986-7677. Or visit our contact page.

Top 5 Effective Actions to Take to Prevent Mold

7/26/2021 (Permalink)

Top 5 Effective Actions to Take to Prevent Mold If your building has been damaged in a flood or severe storm, you may have an impressive and nasty mold colony on your hands.

Mold is everywhere. But no one wants it in their home or business. Preventing mold growth doesn’t have to require any special equipment or training. Here are the top 5 effective actions to take to prevent mold growth in your property. 

How Does Mold Get in Your House?

Mold spores are microscopic and opportunistic organisms. They’re all around us — but there’s no need to be paranoid because mold needs the right conditions to grow.

In most cases, mold comes inside through open windows and doors, vents, or HVAC systems. You can also bring mold spores inside when they hitch a ride on your clothes or bags. Pets can also bring mold into the home. 

Mold needs moisture, organic materials to munch on, and the right humidity levels to grow. Anytime you have a water leak or a flooded building, mold can start forming quickly. It’ll grow on materials like:

  • Paper and cardboard
  • Wood
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Wallpaper
  • Paint
  • Drywall
  • Carpet
  • Textiles
  • Insulation
  • Dust

How Do I Know if Mold is in My House?

You’ll see small dots forming on the materials listed above. The spots can be any color, and the mold will emit a musty odor. Take these actions to prevent mold growth if you spot it, pun intended. 

Actions to Take to Prevent Mold

#1. Maintain low humidity levels to prevent mold

Too high humidity levels feed mold growth. Try to keep indoor humidity levels to 50% or lower. Running the AC and a dehumidifier can help. 

#2. Keep the air flowing freely

Mold is a big fan of stagnant air. Keep air flowing to prevent mold growth. Use exhaust vans with outside vents in the kitchen or bathroom. Vent clothes dryers outside the home. 

#3. Fix leaks

Plumbing and roof leaks can seriously derail your best-laid plans if you're trying to prevent mold growth. Fix any leaks asap to keep mold at bay. 

#4. Take quick action after floods

Clean and thoroughly dry your home within 48 hours after a flood. Mold will proliferate if stagnant water, air, and high humidity levels aren’t remediated asap after flooding. 

#5. Consider using paint additives

Painting your home? Consider adding mold inhibitors to your paint. These compounds go a long way toward preventing mold growth on walls, floors, and ceilings. 

#6. Add mold-killing products to your cleaning regimen

You can use simple, undiluted white vinegar or specially-formulated mold-killing products to effectively clean and prevent mold growth in bathrooms and kitchens. 

#7. Reconsider your upholstery choices

Carpet in the bathroom or basement? Not a good idea if you’re looking to prevent mold. Also, promptly remove and replace carpets and upholstery that have been soaked in a flood or plumbing leak. 

Taking Actions to Prevent Mold: The Bottom Line

Mold needs specific conditions to grow before it becomes a serious problem. The top actions to take to prevent mold growth ultimately boil down to reducing humidity, promptly fixing leaks, and cleaning any flood damage fast. 

If your building has been damaged in a flood or severe storm, you may have an impressive and nasty mold colony on your hands. In that case, you need the experts. 

Contact SERVPRO North Irving any time, day or night, for a free estimate on mold removal at (972) 986-7677. 

How to Clean Clothes Exposed to Mold Spores

10/22/2020 (Permalink)

The EPA reports that millions of tons of textiles are added to landfills each year in the United States. In the piles of Dallas refuse, there are likely clothing favorites or items of sentimental value. They would have been used for many more years if not for mishaps.

Mold can be absorbed by clothing in a few ways. Either the fabric becomes infected with mold, or it comes in contact with other moldy clothes. 

Mold spores are abundant in the air as mold is a natural decomposer in our environment. Spores will feed on any cellulose material, including fabric. When the environment is dark and damp, this encourages the growth of a mold colony.

Say you put some clothes in storage. Somehow water gets into the container or box from a plumbing problem or flooding. When damp materials go unnoticed for some time, this gives mold a chance to flourish.

If you pull items from storage and notice they are damp or musty, you’ll want to clean them right away to avoid mold growth. Mold is unhealthy, and wearing items with mold means it’s as close to you as can be, allowing you to breathe it in and touch your skin.

As the team of mold experts in Dallas, SERVPRO’s goal is to restore items so they don’t have to be replaced. In this guide, we’ll cover how to clean clothes exposed to mold spores or items infected with mold.

How to Recognize Mold on Clothing

As you sort through a bin of clothing that had prolonged exposure to water or moisture, be on the lookout for signs of mold. 

As mentioned earlier, mold nestles into clothing fibers and is nurtured by moisture and wetness. Mold infection from spores in one fabric item can spread to other clothing nearby. To avoid close contact with mold, you should treat these items before wearing them.

The Mold Smell

Mold has a distinct odor. Its smell is usually the first sign that it’s present. Mildew and mold have a similar smell. Mold odor is described as musty, earthy, and sometimes sweet. 

Mold Stains on Clothes

Do you notice tiny black or gray-speckled spots that aren’t part of the original fabric design? These are mold or mildew stains.

If you discover damp clothing, you’ll want to clean and dry it as soon as possible to prevent the growth of mold on clothes.

How To Clean Clothes Exposed To Mold Spores

Before we get started on how to clean clothes exposed to mold spores, we recommend that you use protective gloves to handle items affected by mold, especially when disposing of contaminated items.

The sooner you clean clothes exposed to mold, the better. The longer infectious mold remains in clothing, the deeper and further it colonizes, making it harder to remove from clothing.

While concentrated laundry detergent is usually the go-to for tough stains and deodorizing, it isn’t the most effective for mold removal. However, Borax is a laundry booster that is believed to be effective against mycotoxin (what makes mold toxic) and can be used to clean the affected items.

Pre Soak Mold-Affected Clothes

As with other stained fabrics, soaking helps loosen up the fibers to release mold particles. Using a bucket or sink, soak the mold-affected articles in water with commercial pre-soak (per package instructions) or one cup of vinegar for about an hour.

Using a Washing Machine 

After the pre-soak, you then move the items to the washing machine for a few cycles. Vinegar and baking soda are the cleaners of choice as they are more effective against mold than laundry detergent. 

First cycle: Setting the machine water temperature to hot, add one cup of white vinegar. Wash items in the solution for a full cycle.

Second cycle: Run the same items in the washing machine again, but with a half cup of baking soda instead of vinegar.

Bleach is considered to be a stain-fighter and a mold-killer, but it’s dubious if it kills mold on fabric. It’s more effective on non-porous surfaces. 

Dry in the Sun

Is it a sunny day in Dallas? Perfect. Skip the dryer and hang the clothes out to dry outside. Sunlight is a natural disinfectant and mold killer.

Clothes dryers can be humid (mold loves moisture) and can lock in stains.

Once the items have completely dried and sunbathed, put them through another cleaning cycle and dry outdoors once more. 

Once two rounds of cleaning are complete, check your items for any lingering odor or mold stains on clothes. If there are still stubborn mold stains after washing the items several times, you may need to go ahead and dispose of them.

When Should I Throw Away Moldy Clothes?

The rule used to be that fabrics items should be discarded based on thickness. Such items would be down-filled blankets or jackets, pillows, any items that are thicker than a half-inch.  The reason is because typical washing machines (both the ones at home and at a commercial laundromat) don’t use enough water pressure to soak the entire fabric and push the mold out.  

Today, there is a specialty washing machine called the Esporta Wash System that is made especially to decontaminate clothing and textiles--even bulky items that are a half an inch thick and more. 

The Esporta uses hydraulic pressure and a mixture of six detergents to literally put detergent-laden water through an entire fabric--no matter the thickness or size.  The result is that almost all of the contaminants in a fabric are washed away, leaving a pH balanced and food-grade clean clothing or blanket to enjoy again. 

The Esporta can even wash items filled with foam, down, or stuffing. 

The only time we recommend throwing away a moldy item is when the mold has destroyed the fabric by eating through it.  In these cases, you would see holes in the fabric.  If this is the case, make sure to put on gloves and dispose of these items or other contaminated textiles into heavy-duty trash bags and close them tightly.

Don’t want to say goodbye to your favorite clothes or items with sentimental value? Good news! SERVPRO in Dallas can help. Our Esporta Wash System is an industrial machine used to treat contaminated soft contents like stuffed animals, shoes, hats, blankets, and more. 

Our Esporta Wash System can remove over 99%  of mold for all soft goods and restore them to former food-grade safe cleanliness.

Contact SERVPRO for a Free Dallas Mold Removal Estimate

How to clean clothes exposed to mold spores comes down to how soon you discover the problem and how quickly you respond with the proper cleaning procedures.

For SERVPRO in Dallas, TX, timeliness matters - we are faster to any-sized disaster. When water problems aren’t addressed right away, more damage will ensue, and mold infection is likely to continue. 

When you have an ongoing mold problem or have a huge mold cleanup on your hands, call SERVPRO for Dallas mold clean up and remediation. Our team gets close to the mold with proper PPE (so you don’t have to), looks for mold in hiding places, and works to stop water damage at its source. 

As mentioned earlier, we also have the Esporta Wash System to restore clothing and other textiles. Reach out to us at (972) 986-7677 with any questions you may have about mold cleaning or for free pricing!

Dallas Commercial Mold Remediation and Testing Services

9/10/2020 (Permalink)

commercial building mold remediation If you find mold in your business, it's important to take care of it right away. Contact SERVPRO in Dallas for commercial mold remediation services.

These days it’s increasingly important to maintain the highest health standards with regular cleanings and disinfectants. The public trusts businesses to maintain a level of sanitation that keeps people safe. But sometimes public health issues creep up such as mold and mildew, which tend to sprout in tucked-away places and may go unnoticed for a while.

With all the hours your team puts into keeping your facility immaculate, it can be frustrating when you find mold growth. When you spot mold growing in a deep dark corner, or notice that distinct mold odor, it’s time to take immediate action to prevent the growth from spreading.

At SERVPRO, we are the Commercial Mold Remediation experts in Dallas, TX. We understand how important it is to maintain high cleanliness standards for commercial properties. Our goal is to remove infectious mold at its source, restore those areas damaged by mold, and take measures to prevent future mold growth. 

Our Mold Restoration Services are Available 24/7

Without timely action, mold spotting can easily turn into mold infestations. For this reason, the time to begin commercial mold remediation is the same day you notice it. 

When it comes to mold growth, the extent isn’t always apparent. SERVPRO’s mold experts have the training and experience to determine how invasive mold growth is. It has the potential to root deeply into walls, carpeting, furniture, HVAC systems, etc.

SERVPRO is available around the clock to perform commercial mold cleaning. Not only are we prepared to take immediate action, but we also work around your operating hours.

Your cleanliness and convenience are top priority so we’re available after-hours, overnight, weekends, holidays, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For decades, SERVPRO has provided professional commercial mold testing and commercial mold remediation for countless Dallas area businesses. We have the experience to address any commercial mold problem.

Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings

Some commercial buildings have more foot traffic than others, especially schools. In facilities with strict public health policies, maintenance workers should be aware of where mold is commonly found, what happens if mold is left unaddressed, and how it might impacts the building environment.

Where is Mold Found

Mold tends to take root in dark, moisture-rich environments that provide a cellulose food source (such as wall material or textiles). Areas that trap moisture and do not have adequate ventilation (such as restrooms or showers) are highly prone to mold growth.

Places mold likes to hide:

  • Wallpaper or the other side of the drywall.
  • Paneling.
  • The top of ceiling tiles.
  • Beneath of carpets or padding that have gotten wet.
  • Around condensing pipes or pipes that leak.
  • Where condensation forms behind furniture or fixtures (such as bookshelves).
  • Condensate drain pans .
  • Inside air system units or ductwork.
  • Roof materials above ceiling tiles.

If the toxic mold issue isn’t properly addressed, there is a risk for further damage and a developing health hazard. Some facilities are subject to codes and strict health regulations. In such cases, toxic mold growth issues must be resolved as soon as possible.

Why Commercial Mold Remediation Requires Professionals

The EPA warns commercial property administrators of how destructive mold can be. The agency recommends addressing the problem promptly to save money, prevent extensive damage to building materials and furnishings, and to mitigate public health risks.

In many cases, commercial mold removal isn’t something a maintenance team can handle alone. With the help of an experienced commercial mold removal and remediation company like SERVPRO in Dallas, we manage your mold issue so your staff can focus on the necessary daily maintenance.

Our thorough 7-step commercial mold remediation process ensures that the facility is free of toxic mold and safe for human use. 

SERVPRO in Dallas offers:

  • Expertise and training: We have a team of IICRC certified technicians who are specially trained to find all the places where toxic mold grows and determine the best action plan to eliminate it.
  • Professional testing: We use professional-grade mold testing technology to determine what types of mold are present in your facility. Knowing what species of mold is present is how we assess how extensive the damage is and which treatment tactics are best.
  • Equipment: We use professional filtration equipment, HEPA vacuums, and air scrubbers to collect mold spores from the air. We use EPA-approved professional-grade disinfectants and foggers to deodorize the air.
  • Safety: We get close to the mold so that you won’t have to. Our team is equipped with the proper PPE (personal protective equipment) and the appropriate disposal supplies for contaminated materials.
  • Compliance: When you’re managing a commercial space, you’re probably quite familiar with codes and regulations. However, if you’re not aware of Texas Mold Law, SERVPRO is. Our commercial mold remediation operations are done according to state guidelines.

Put SERVPRO’s years of experience and professional equipment to work for you. We uncover the not-so-obvious causes of mold problems and resolve these issues at the source. Our goal is to make I "Like it never even happened," and to prevent it from happening again.

How Mold Can Be Prevented

Consistent maintenance and proactive prevention measures are the best ways to ensure a clean and healthy environment.

To prevent mold growth, you must first be aware of areas where moisture gathers to counteract the wetness. Keep these areas dry and well-ventilated as best you can.

  • Kitchen areas, especially around refrigerators and freezers.
  • HVAC components such as AC drain pans, compressor lines, vents, etc.
  • Doors and windows that are condensation-prone.
  • Trash receptacles (especially ones left outdoors that may be rained on).
  • Flooring that is regularly exposed to wetness. (Carpet should be replaced with an alternative flooring material in spaces that are likely to get wet.)
  • Bathrooms (especially those with shower stalls that have curtains).
  • Laundry rooms.
  • Basements.

SERVPRO is Dallas’ mold expert team. We know how to identify trouble spots and will work with you on a mold prevention plan built around the challenges specific to your facility.

Contact SERVPRO for Experienced Commercial Mold Remediation

SERVPRO has completed numerous Dallas mold remediation jobs, so believe us when we say that mold growth can happen in any kind of building. You are not alone.

The sooner you spot signs of mold, the sooner you can take action to prevent toxic mold growth. When a mold problem is left unaddressed, mold colonization will cause further damage and create an unmitigated health hazard.

SERVPRO is an industry leader in Dallas mold removal. For decades, we’ve helped Dallas-area businesses maintain healthy facilities by providing rigorous mold solutions. Not only do we do thorough mold remediation, but we also take measures to prevent it from growing back.

When you encounter a water emergency or notice mold, contact us immediately. Call us any time, 24/7 at (972) 986-7677 to get a free estimate.

Mold Removal Cost in Dallas, TX

9/3/2020 (Permalink)

mold under wallpaper If you've found mold in your home, contact the Dallas mold remediation experts at SERVPRO for a free estimate.

Mold - the uninvited guest. Once you’ve smelled it or spotted it in your Dallas property, it may be only the tip of the iceberg. There’s no telling how deep its roots are into your drywall or how much is growing in your air ducts.

Perhaps you’ve tried all kinds of products to eliminate mold from your house or property only to have it show up a short time later. Or maybe you need your facility to meet a certain health code to ensure that the spaces are sanitary and mold-free. It needs to be gone once and for all, but how?

Toxic mold removal and mitigation can be a big job, and property owners may not have the time, the proper tools, or enough staff to handle it all. SERVPRO’s Dallas, TX mold remediation team is prepared to thoroughly remove toxic mold and apply all remedies that prevent it from coming back.

So what does mold removal cost? With all the money property owners and managers put into maintenance, it’s understandable that this is a frequent question. We understand it’s important to know the cost upfront, that’s why SERVPRO offers a free mold removal cost estimate based on your unique situation. We’ll go over what is involved with a standard mold remediation estimate so you know what to expect.

What is Mold?

Mold is a type of fungus. While humans have an aversion to mold, it’s still a beneficial organism in the planet’s ecosystem as it decomposes dead plant material. Mold spores tend to take root in dark, moisture-rich environments that offer a food source (cellulose materials such as dust, wood, textile fibers, etc.)

Black mold (Stachybotrys) is probably what most people think of when it comes to mold, but this is just one of many colors it dons. Mold pigmentation is a spectrum: blue, green, orange, brown, gray, white, yellow, red, purple, and pink.

We identify it by its spotty appearance and musty odor, but not all mold is toxic. Molds that produce mycotoxins are considered toxigenic. 

The truth is that humans could never fully eradicate mold because spores live throughout the air. This is a good thing because mold plays a necessary role in the ecosystem’s life cycle. However, we can and should remove mold that ends up growing where it doesn’t belong - in shelters for humans.

How Do I Know if I Have Mold?

With mold, there are obvious and not-so-obvious signs that it’s made itself at home inside your property. Stachybotrys (or “black mold”) is conspicuous with its patterns of dark spots. Mold is also detected by smell as it emits a musty or sweet odor.

You’re more likely to find mold in areas that trap moisture such as bathrooms without enough ventilation or areas around leaky pipes and appliances that drip.

Mold test kits are another way to confirm that mold is present. These tests can be purchased from home improvement stores or from online retailers. This involves collecting a sample to send to a lab for testing.

SERVPRO in Dallas uses industry-standard tests to detect several species of mold. If you want a mold test, we will do it for you so you don’t have to come in contact with mold. After remediating thousands of properties, SERVPRO’s mold specialists know which areas are the best sources for mold specimens.

Where Does Mold Grow?

Mold needs moisture and a cellulose food source to thrive. So it will grow anywhere with those conditions, in dark places especially.

To do a thorough mold check, be sure to check the following places where mold typically takes root:

  • Around windows
  • On or behind drywall or wallpaper
  • Ceilings or on or behind ceiling tiles
  • Water-damaged materials
  • Flooring (especially damp carpet)
  • In air ducts, vents, or HVAC systems
  • Wall construction with plumbing lines running through it
  • Behind or under appliances that leak or drip (refrigerator, dishwasher, water heater, air conditioning, etc.)
  • Under or around sinks
  • Under stacks of paper or boxes

Any dark areas where moisture tends to collect is a prime location for mold growth. 

How Much Does Mold Removal Cost?

It would be so convenient to have a standard flat rate or an average mold removal cost, but estimates vary as each situation is different.

With Dallas mold removal, several factors are involved. Mold is destructive, so the extent of the damage determines the cost. 

The more invasive the mold is, the more labor and materials are needed to ensure that toxic mold is removed thoroughly. Lingering mold in places like drywall, baseboards or ductwork provides mold the opportunity to continue growing.


How much mold damage is present determines how many mold remediation professionals are needed on the job site. How many team members are needed and how long it takes for them to complete the treatment process is a significant factor in mold cleanup costs.


While it’s our goal to preserve as much of the materials and personal property as possible, items that are overly contaminated must be discarded. We safely dispose of these items. For contaminated textiles, we may be able to recover these with our industrial Esporta Wash System.   

With irreversible contamination damage to the construction, we replace these with new materials such as wood, drywall, trim, and paint.

Mold damage recovery methods such as the use of the Esporta Wash System or reconstruction with new materials also contribute to the cost.

Size of Affected Area

Mold removal cost is also determined per square foot. With more square feet comes more labor hours and potentially more replacement materials.

The number one priority for Dallas mold remediation professionals like SERVPRO is to make it like it never happened. With this goal in mind, we provide a complete estimate that includes everything required to remove toxic mold and prevent it from coming back.

With so many variables, seldom are two situations alike. To give you the most accurate quote possible for mold removal cost, we’ll need to see the mold damage in-person. Estimates are free and you can call us any time 24/7!

Contact SERVPRO for a Free Dallas Mold Removal Estimate

Mold removal can be so overwhelming because it’s so good at hiding and the number of species there are to keep track of. If every time you put the work in to get rid of mold, it ends up growing back, it’s time to call the SERVPRO professionals to get mold under control. With our extensive experience, we know exactly where to look and what to look for with types of mold.

What to expect with SERVPRO mold remediation in Dallas:

  • A thorough inspection for mold
  • Testing for many species of mold
  • Removal of mold from materials such as textiles, carpet, walls, ceilings, baseboards, etc.
  • Removal of mold from attics and HVAC systems
  • Odor removal
  • Commercial mold remediation

Take the first step toward getting mold under control and contact SERVPRO of Dallas for a free estimate. We’ll come out to your property and check everything out so we can create a complete quote for the cost to remediate mold. We’re ready to take your call 24/7 at (972) 986-7677.

How to Prevent Mold in Storage Containers in Dallas

7/27/2020 (Permalink)

storage container Moldy storage containers? The Dallas mold remediation experts at SERVPRO provide extensive mold removal and prevention solutions.

Storage containers hold things for later. Eat the leftovers later. Wear those sweaters later in the year. Put up the holiday decorations even later.

But sometimes when you go to retrieve what we stored away, it’s not as you left it. What you wanted to preserve is not worth saving anymore. A plastic bin in the attic was eaten through by rodents. One of the kids pulled one thing out and didn’t put the lid back on. 

But what about the damage that happens even when a sealed container wasn’t even tampered with? How does damage happen in that case? Mold. 

SERVPRO does its fair share of mold removal in the Dallas area, so we know all about how mold behaves. To promote a healthier community, we share our mold prevention tips. Read on to learn how to prevent mold in storage containers.

What Causes Mold Inside of Dallas Storage Containers?

Mold stands to ruin whatever it shares a container with. This could be food, clothing, books, or anything mold spores can attach to and live on.

Mold thrives in tucked-away spaces. It feeds off of dirt and sprouts in moisture. When you place something wet or even slightly moist into a container, mold is prepared to start growing as soon as you close the lid.

1. Choose High-Quality Boxes and Storage Containers

How well do your containers seal? Mold issues may be a sign of containers that don’t seal properly.

Moisture and mold spores sneak through small gaps around the lid or cracks in old containers. Dirt and heat (like our hot Dallas summers) also contribute to mold growth progression.

With some items, you wouldn’t want to leave it to chance. For instance, baby keepsakes, family quilts, and bridal gowns. For irreplaceable cloth material items, vacuum-sealed bags are more protective.

If it’s something you wouldn’t want to be ruined, be sure to store it safely in a well-made and flawless container. 

If that antique gown or precious quilt does get ruined by mold, call our SERVPRO for location in Dallas, TX, for details about our textile recovery Esporta wash system.

2. Clean and Dry Items Before Putting Them Into Storage

The most important tip for how to prevent mold in storage containers is to make sure items are clean but more importantly, that they are completely dry.

Even slight dampness is enough to encourage some mold growth, so inspect each article for any sign of moisture. Anything is found to be at all wet or damp should be given time to dry before it’s packed up.

3. Use Desiccators Inside the Containers

Shoeboxes are a popular container. We repurpose them to mail things off, wrap gifts, hold art supplies, etc. You’ve probably noticed these little desiccators packets labeled “silica gel” tucked in these shoeboxes. As you buy new shoes, you may want to start saving these.

These little helpers are a moisture absorber for storage boxes. If it’s a challenge to keep moisture out of a certain area, drop a few into the container for good measure.

But they do have a shelf life. They do last a good while but they don’t absorb moisture forever. If you’ll be storing things for several years. Keep this in mind if you plan to store things for a few years or longer.

4. Allow For Airflow

Airflow promotes a healthy environment by promoting ventilation. Sometimes unwanted things end up in the air. Think about how you would open a window to clear out an odor, like burned microwave popcorn. Keeping the air moving prevents mold spores from hanging around.

Airflow helps things dry out quickly and more completely. Ventilation carries wetness out of a room to reduce the chance of trapped moisture in the space.

Consider spreading out stacks of containers in such a way that allows airflow in the storage space or add fans for extra ventilation.

5. Find a Climate-Controlled Unit in Dallas

Dallas doesn’t get to be quite as humid as the coastal areas of the state, but that doesn’t mean that wetness won’t get into a unit and cause molding storage. 

Summer rains can make things a bit steamy out there. The roof might leak. However moisture gets in, that leads to mold in a storage unit. Choosing a facility with climate-controlled units ensures that your possessions are safe and dry in a cool and well-ventilated space.

Recap of how to prevent mold in storage containers:

  • The container should be in great shape and completely clean (vinegar is ideal for cleaning plastic containers). Allow the container to completely dry out before using for storage.
  • The contents of the container should also be clean and completely dry.
  • Storage spaces should be well ventilated and climate-controlled.
  • Consider storing textiles in vacuum-sealed bags. These work best as clothing containers.
  • Consider adding silica gel packets (desiccators) to storage containers for extra protection. 

Professional Mold Removal Services in Dallas

SERVPRO of North Irving team fights toxic mold at every turn. Our Dallas mold remediation experts have extensive experience in mold removal and prevention solutions.

We’re available 24/7 for Dallas mold removal services. Our mold remediation process is thorough as we make it like it never happened.

Call us any time at (972) 986-7677 to schedule a free consultation or for any questions you have about eliminating and preventing mold growth. We’re here to help when you need us.

How to Get Mold Out of Carpet Like an Expert

1/29/2020 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation Mold remediation picture

Mold in your home, if left untreated, is truly the stuff of nightmares. Mold is a living, breathing organism that spreads spores rapidly. On your carpet, mold can start growing for a variety of reasons. A flood, pipe leaking, or hot, humid weather can easily feed mold growth in the house. Potted plants leaking down onto the carpet can also lead to excess mold growth. No matter what the cause, a moldy carpet is never a pleasant thing to deal with. Here’s how to get mold out of carpet like an expert. 

The Problem with Mold

No one wants mold in the home. Mold, whether on your carpet or walls, is unsightly and smelly. It’s a proven fact that mold can cause health effects. If left untreated, mold present in a home is likely to affect at least one of its inhabitants.  

While you work out how to get mold out of carpet, it's always best to identify the root cause. Some causes will be more apparent than others and may require a bit of sleuthing. A flood is obvious, but something less noticeable like groundwater seepage can be feeding the mold on a carpet. If in doubt, a professional can treat mold and identify the cause at the same time. 

It’s critical to understand that to get mold out of carpet for good, you have to cut off the source of its water supply. Mold won’t grow without moisture to feed it. There are various methods for how to get mold out of carpet. But first, let's look at ways to prevent mold from growing in your home in the first place. 

Our Top Mold Prevention Tips 

Prevention is always better than a cure. Follow these tips to avoid mold from setting up shop on your carpets.

  • Open doors and windows to increase air circulation and ventilation
  • Use a dehumidifier to reduce ambient moisture
  • Never store firewood directly on a carpet without a rubber mat to act as a moisture barrier
  • Vacuum regularly to remove mold spores lodged in the carpet fibers
  • Don't set potted plants directly on the carpet—always place a rubber mat or tray under the plant
  • Leave the lights on, as mold loves darkness and humidity  

How to Get Mold Out of Carpet the Chemical-Free Way

If you’ve caught the mold early and you’re not a fan of harsh chemicals, then you can use everyday, non-synthetic household products to remove mold from your carpet. 

Step 1 

Open the windows and doors in the affected area. Humidity is what causes mold, so by increasing the airflow, you can reduce moisture in the air. You can also use a fan to increase airflow. 

You can follow this first step for all three methods we’ve listed in this article. By opening windows, you can reduce the musty, moldy smell, and the increased ventilation will reduce the harm of any chemicals you may use in the methods below. 

Step 2 

If it's an area rug or an otherwise removable carpet impacted, then let the sun do the work of removing the mold for you. Hanging the carpet outside for one or two days in direct sunlight can be enough to dry the carpet of moisture and kill mold spores. You can leave the carpet outside for longer if the back of the carpet is also damp. 

Step 3 

Try baking soda sprinkled on the affected area. You could also use cat litter to help remove the moisture, but be sure to choose litter such as crystal litter that won't damage your carpet. Leave the product on the affected area overnight to draw out the moisture, then vacuum up the next day. 

Step 4 

Another method to get mold out of carpet is to use white vinegar to kill the mold. Or white vinegar mixed with equal parts of methylated spirit. Simply spray the affected area with the product and use a stiff brush to scrub in the product. All you need to do is then blow, or air dry the affected area. 

How to Get Mold Out of Carpet Like a Pro: Our Second Method

There are plenty of anti-mold sprays on the market that you can purchase. However, these products often contain harsh chemicals that may discolor carpets. So, whatever method you use, always test the product on a corner of the carpet. 

You can also choose a product that has a "mold barrier" or "encapsulate" treatment. If you have a carpet that is kept in humid conditions, then the barrier can be very useful in preventing mold from growing back. 

Follow our previous step 1 by opening doors and windows for increased air flow and ventilation. Then, follow the instructions listed on the product carefully. And be sure to apply any chemical products with caution. 

The chemicals can be dangerous if inhaled. You should wear a facemask as you apply the product and make sure that pets and kids are out of the way. If you feel wheezy or are short of breath, then move to another well-ventilated room until you feel better. 

Alternatively, you can hire a steam cleaner. These cleaners are used by professionals and are very effective in removing mold spores. If you use a steam cleaner to lift mold spores, it's essential you dry the carpet thoroughly. Otherwise, mold can grow back. 

How to Get Mold Out of Carpet: Call in the Pros

To get mold out of your carpet and to restore your home quickly and affordably, you can always call SERVPRO of North Irving. We’re experts in damage restoration for a whole host of things like fires, floods, and mold remediation. At some point, it may be better to call in a professional rather than trying to tackle the job yourself. So, when’s the right time to call in an expert?

Generally speaking, if the affected area is greater than five feet, you may be best advised to call in a professional. If the mold has spread to this size, it's likely that the underlay and flooring may also be affected. If the mold is too widespread, then you may need to replace the carpet after having the flooring treated, but we can help you find the best solution to your moldy carpet issues. 

We can also provide anti-moisture polyethylene sheeting or professional treatment to prevent further mold growth in crawl spaces where dampness and moisture are common. We also offer carpet restoration services for homes in the greater North Irving area. 

At SERVPRO of North Irving, we'll guide you through the necessary steps you need to take to make your home safe and prevent any further outbreaks in the most cost-effective way.

How to Prevent Mold from Growing or Spreading in Dallas

9/30/2019 (Permalink)

Ugh — mold. Outside of eating fancy blue cheese, there aren’t many instances where it’s welcomed with open arms.

Of course, this isn’t to say that when you’re faced with a mold situation, it’s the end of the world. While it does take some effort to remove mold from clothes, carpet, upholstery, drywall, and other items, it’s a manageable process (a professional mold remediation firm like SERVPRO of Dallas can offer assistance with this). However, undoubtedly, you’re not hoping to find yourself in this position. Luckily, there are numerous preventative strategies that can help you steer clear of a mold problem.

Keep An Eye Out

Awareness is key! It’s a good idea to regularly check a home or structure for evidence of leaks and mold. Several areas tend to be culprits:   

  • Roof
  • Ceiling
  • Walls
  • Pipes
  • Plumbing fixtures and leaky appliances
  • Poorly sealed windows, doors, showers, and tubs
  • Foundation problems

If you notice water stains or splotches of mold growth, it should be addressed immediately. Obviously, if there is visible water seepage or damage, you should fix the source of the leak right away so it doesn’t encourage mold growth. If signs of mold are present (i.e. musty smells, significant condensation/dampness, or fuzzy patches of black, blue, green, white, or yellow), you may need a mold inspection. Mold can turn up in spaces that are invisible to the naked eye.

Ensure There Is Proper Ventilation and Air Flow 

Where there’s moisture, mold finds a way. Many areas require proper ventilation including

bathrooms, kitchens, basements, crawl spaces, and laundry rooms. It’s important to note that this isn’t an exhaustive list. Really, mold enjoys moisture in any setting. If you notice any water stains or condensation where there shouldn’t be, it’s an indication there’s a moisture issue.

A solution is to utilize ventilation fans in high-moisture areas. The capacity of these fans is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). For instance, a fan for a small bathroom should operate at one CFM for every square foot of space. The Home Ventilating Institute is an excellent source for fan guidelines.

Moreover, you can facilitate airflow throughout a building or home. This helps cut down on moisture. When it’s possible, open your windows to allow fresh air inside. Also, try keeping your closet and bedroom doors open. And, leaving some space between your walls and furniture can promote better air circulation. 

If you should find a humid environment has caused mold growth on your belongings, it may be time to call in an expert. In many situations, there are specific processes to remove mold from clothing and other items.

Understand And Control Humidity Levels

Taking ventilation and airflow a step further, it’s wise to monitor the humidity level. Generally speaking, you want to keep humidity at around 30 to 50 percent. Moisture meters can give you a reading of the moisture content in various materials. These devices are available for purchase at your local home improvement store.

To better control humidity, It may be worth your while to invest in dehumidifiers. Plus, it’s not a bad idea to couple dehumidification with air filtration. An air purifier with HEPA filter works well for cleaning the air and removing some airborne mold spores.

Keep Everything Clean And In Working Order

Not too hard, right? If you keep your home or business tidy, it can help reduce the chance of mold growth. When there are conditions that mold likes, it can start growing in 24 hours! Fortunately, there are some simple steps for battling a potential mold invasion:

  • Fix leaks as soon as possible
  • In high-moisture areas, keep all surfaces clean and dry
  • Make sure water is drawn away from the building structure (the ground slopes away from the foundation)
  • Clean and dry shower and tub walls with a squeegee
  • Re-caulk and re-seal plumbing fixtures when necessary
  • Dry out wet materials as soon as possible (towels, mats, rugs, loofahs, etc.)
  • Inspect your roof and crawl spaces at least twice a year
  • Clean downspouts and gutter guards
  • Check houseplants for mold

Also, if you have wet clothing, don’t let it sit in an enclosed space. You don’t want items to become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. As touched upon earlier, it is possible to remove mold from clothes; however, you may not want to experience what happens before that point. You could end up dealing with anything from fabric discoloration to skin and breathing problems.

Prevent Mold In The Refrigerator

It happens to the best of us. We forget about the leftovers shoved in the corner of the refrigerator until a gross discovery — a once delicious meal has turned into a moldy mess.

Certainly, we’re not saying that food mold is always dangerous. However, given the transient and airborne nature of mold spores, it can cause further problems like mold growth in other parts of the refrigerator. Additionally, spores can also travel into your respiratory system and cause irritation.

If you find moldy food items, don’t open the container. Place the items in a sealed bag and discard it as soon as possible. As far as fresh food, try to always store it in a sealed container.

Also, surely, you’ve heard the old trick of placing an open box of baking soda in the fridge. This is still a viable preventative measure. The pH composition of baking soda is such that mold is unable to thrive. It helps clean air as it moves through the appliance. 

When Mold Has Already Invaded Your Dallas Home 

If you got to this article a bit too late and you fear you’re in the midst of a mold intrusion, don’t worry. There’s support out there!

When you entrust a licensed mold company like SERVPRO to perform remediation services, you can feel rest assured that the job will get done quickly and correctly. Our IICRC certified technicians use the latest technologies and processes to properly treat mold. Furthermore, our firm is the only SERVPRO in Dallas who is certified to use the Esporta Wash System, the leader in textile restoration.

If you’re in the Dallas area, you never have to battle mold on your own! SERVPRO is a full-service firm and can handle anything from removing mold from clothes to tearing out and rebuilding mold-infected parts of a structure. Contact SERVPRO of North Irving to learn more!

The Typical Tools Professionals Use for Mold Treatment in Dallas

9/17/2019 (Permalink)

Technology is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? From personal assistant robots to intelligent refrigerators, we’re all surrounded by devices that make our lives more convenient.

As you’re probably aware, there are many instances where innovation extends beyond convenience and into the realm of health and safety. This is the case in the mold remediation industry. Over the years, experts have perfected the process of inspecting and treating mold. It’s helped protect a countless number of folks from the harmful effects of dangerous fungus. 

As Dallas mold remediation specialists, SERVPRO utilizes state-of-the-art equipment to ensure treatment is done quickly and safely. If you should ever find yourself with a mold problem, below are some of the tools you should expect will be fighting on your side. 

Water Extraction

When water finds its way into carpet and furniture, the lifecycle of mold can begin. A vital first step is to get rid of rogue water. At SERVPRO, we utilize industrial-strength machinery to ensure water and other troublesome liquids are properly extracted.

1. Submersible Pumps

When submerged, this device manipulates the water pressure in a way that causes the liquid to be pushed into the pump. It can then be safely disposed of.

2. Industrial Wet/Dry Vacuums

A professional wet/dry vac provides powerful suction for heavy-duty water and soil pickup.

3. Truck-Mounted And Portable Extraction Units

The vacuums within these units can quickly remove excessive amounts of water from a flooded structure. 

Moisture Meter

A moisture meter is something SERVPRO experts regularly use when performing mold remediation in Dallas. The device detects the moisture content in materials such as drywall, wood, fiberglass, and plaster. It’s a non-invasive way of seeing how much moisture is present. It’s key to get readings as soon as possible since a moist environment can cause mold to grow within 24 to 48 hours. 

Infrared Cameras 

An infrared camera is essential in the inspection process. It’s another non-invasive device that measures the heat signature of a scanned area/surface. The device provides a highly-trained technician with a thermogram, which is essentially a colorful display of the readings. This tells the tech where moisture and humidity are high. Simply put, it finds moisture in places that are hidden to the human eye. 

Drying Equipment

Once the water is properly removed, affected items must be fully dried. If any moisture is left behind, mold finds its way in. With a proper mold remediation company, here is what you should expect as far as the drying process: 

  • High-volume air movers for blowing air over concerning areas and evaporating the moisture
  • Dehumidifiers for reducing the humidity in the air
  • Desiccant (a drying agent) for absorbing moisture 
  • Moisture detection equipment for monitoring the moisture daily until the drying goal is reached

Containment Equipment

When mold spores find moisture and start to colonize and spread, that’s when you might find yourself with a significant problem. If there are mold-infested spots in your property, it’s imperative to contain the area so the spores don’t travel through the air.

With over 30 years’ experience providing mold remediation services in Dallas, we have perfected the process of safely isolating problem areas. If necessary, SERVPRO techs will carefully set up physical barriers around mold-affected regions. The “chambers” create negative pressure which allows air to move through, but not out of, the isolated spaces.

HEPA Filtration

Containment is usually coupled with HEPA filtration installation. These devices “grab” the microscopic mold spores flying through the air to prevent them from traveling during the remediation process.


A hygrometer helps with determining relative humidity. In layman’s terms, it measures the water-air mixture as it relates to the temperature. It calculates a figure based on how much water vapor the air could hold at a specific temperature. 

If the relative humidity is high, there is an increased chance of mold growth. A thermo-hygrometer can be used to continuously measure relative humidity. It shows when proper dehumidification levels have been reached.


A borescope gives a technician the ability to thoroughly inspect hard-to-reach areas for mold. Basically, it’s a digital camera that has a flexible, snake-like tube attached to it. It’s excellent for viewing spaces like HVAC ducts and pipes.  

Esporta Washing System

The Esporta system is crucial in cleaning, sanitizing, and restoring clothing and textiles. The machine utilizes hydraulic pressure and specialized detergents to gently (but effectively) force contaminated particles out of soft contents.

SERVPRO is one of the only Dallas mold remediation firms who are Esporta certified. We’ve used the system to successfully clean over 100,000 items.

Protective Equipment 

It’s probably not a surprise to hear that safety equipment is necessary when dealing with mold. The point here is to explain that most professionals will utilize personal protective equipment for any size job. Don’t stress out if you see a technician wearing the following gear:

  • Hazmat suits
  • Safety goggles
  • Safety gloves
  • Protective boots
  • Respirators with filters

 These items are to ensure the tech’s health and safety in the case they find something hazardous while working. It’s not because your mold problem is out of control.

Odor Removal, Cleaning, And Sanitation 

If water damage has caused mold, you may find yourself with an odor issue. A qualified remediation firm will use air scrubbers that pull in and filter pollutants. Additionally, they may use thermal foggers and deodorization agents for capturing airborne contaminants. And, if necessary, they also employ OSHA-approved disinfectant products to stop the growth of harmful microorganisms. Overall, the goal is to control air quality and remove stubborn odors.

Word Of Advice: Mold Remediation vs Mold Removal in Dallas

We’ve decided to leave you with a bit more guidance. At SERVPRO, we’re always honest and upfront with our customers. “Mold removal” and “mold remediation” shouldn’t be used interchangeably. This is because mold is everywhere in nature; there are harmless forms that surround us all the time. It is not possible to remove 100% of mold from the environment. The purpose of remediation is to get mold down to the “natural” levels that are safe. Be cautious of a company that tells you they can guarantee complete mold removal. 

If You’re In The Dallas Area And Have Mold Problems… 

For mold remediation in Dallas, contact SERVPRO of North Irving. We’re available 24/7 for emergency contact and can get immediately started on your job. With over 300,000 restored properties under our belts, we know a thing or two about mold cleanup!

Can I Make My Home Mold Resistant?

5/15/2019 (Permalink)

If you got a sinking feeling in your stomach while reading the title of this article, it’s understandable. Mold is a homeowner’s worst enemy! Not only is it unsightly, but also it’s a possible health concern.

In some cases, you’ll want to hire a professional to perform mold remediation. But, there are also strategies you can utilize to help reduce the chance of a serious mold problem.

You see, proper mold remediation is not only removing and cleaning the mold. Preventative measures also play a part. For this reason, we’re sharing steps you can take to combat mold growth.

First, we’ll help you understand how mold invades your home. Then, we’ll talk about the specifics of making your home mold resistant.

The Basics Of Mold

Okay, here’s the deal — it’s everywhere. Whether you’re inside or outside, there are mold spores flying through the air. But, don’t freak out and lock yourself in a panic room. Mold is a fungus that’s needed in nature to break down materials such as dead leaves and trees. There’s really no way to avoid it.

Fortunately, in small amounts, mold isn’t always harmful; however, once spores settle in an ideal indoor environment, they can grow and cause problems. This is usually when professional mold remediation becomes necessary.

Spores are the result of mold reproduction. It’s kind of like spreading plant seeds. They can enter into houses a number of ways. They’re tiny enough to slip through the smallest cracks and crevices, even those you might’ve tried to block with sealant. Also, when spores move through the air, they can stick to your body and hitch a ride into your home.

So, when does it go from harmless spore to a worrisome nuisance?

Mold Likes To Feed

Yes, it’s true. Mold is ravenous and loves to eat items in your home. Mold remediation can help curb the appetite; just keep in mind where you need to look to start the process. Some areas are often a favorite meal:

  • Carpet
  • Insulation
  • Concrete (yup, mold is strong enough to break down concrete)
  • Nutrients on Wood Surfaces
  • Paper
  • Food

Of course, it’s not guaranteed mold will always be on these items in your house. Mold likes warm, moist environments. Many people have several spots where mold can thrive:

  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Attic
  • Basement
  • Fireplace
  • Utility closets

It’s important to note that this is not a complete list. In actuality, mold can exist almost anywhere if the conditions are just right. In fact, it may end up in a spot invisible to the naked eye. Mold remediation companies can assist with this problem.

When Mold Becomes A Health Concern

Finding mold in your house can be a stressful situation. Generally speaking, when the mold spore count increases in a home and becomes more concentrated, the problems begin. And, you have little time before it starts to attack. Mold only needs one or two days of moisture to start its growth process.

The scary part is some molds can be toxic. What you’re probably most familiar with is black mold (in the science speak, it’s called Stachybotrys Chartarum). This type of mold doesn’t happen immediately. It usually requires one or two weeks of wet material. For example, the aftermath of a flood can encourage growth. Here are some symptoms caused by black mold:

  • Breathing Problems
  • Nose and throat irritation
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Skin and eye sensitivity

This is not to say black mold is the only type of mold to cause health problems. Any mold can cause issues. It’s all dependent on the individual person.

What You Can Do To Reduce Mold

And so, we shall now move on to what can be done to help prevent all types of mold from wreaking havoc in your home.

Reduce Humidity

As was mentioned previously, mold loves warmth and moisture. Condensation is one indication there’s too much moisture. Try using dehumidifiers in damp areas to get the humidity levels between 30 and 50 percent. Additionally, open the doors to rooms and closets so air can flow through the house.

Keep It Clean

It’s probably no surprise to hear that cleaning helps. Dust and vacuum regularly. Don’t leave wet clothes out.  Make sure to take care of spills and leaks as soon as possible. If there are any damp materials that won’t dry, remove them from the house. Perform regular cleaning on rain gutters and air conditioners. If you’re storing boxes, keep them off the floors and foundation. Also, think about using mold-inhibiting cleaners and paints.


Mold enjoys poor ventilation. Install ventilation fans in kitchens and bathrooms. Ensure your clothes dryer has a vent to the outside of your house. If an area of dirt is present, cover it with plastic sheeting to prevent moisture from rising up from the ground.

Expert Mold Remediation

There is no way to completely remove all mold from your home, but you most likely want to get rid of as much as you can. What’s more, you may feel uneasy about handling mold yourself. That’s okay. Mold remediation companies can do the dirty work for you.

We actually suggest finding a full-service restoration firm. This means you’ll have a professional working with you from beginning to end. If you find the right company, you’ll start with a free mold inspection. From there, if mold is present, technicians will work through the professional remediation process:

  1. Contain the space where there are hazardous particles
  2. Install HEPA air purifiers
  3. Remove the mold as well as materials with mold on them
  4. Clean affected belongings
  5. Rebuild any areas that were torn out (this is key — not all companies do this!)

If you’re a Texan, SERVPRO of North Irving can be your go-to source for mold removal in Dallas. We offer free mold inspection, utilize the latest methods and technology, and we treat all types of mold with the same care. Our highly-skilled technicians are available 24/7 and yes —we are a full-service company. If we tear it out, we rebuild it.

Don’t get stuck with mold problems or a company that won’t complete the job. Call (972) 986-7677 if you notice mold in your home. We’ll respond immediately with exceptional mold remediation services so you can feel safe and healthy in your home!

5 Signs That Your Carpet Has Mold

3/13/2019 (Permalink)

Carpet mold often grows after water damage either through flooding, broken water pipes, and/or roof leaks. It's often hard to tell if you have mold as it can grow under the carpet.

Why mold grows rapidly on carpets

Carpet fibers are porous, which means that things (like water) can easily seep through them. After water damage occurs, the carpet fibers absorb water - creating a moist, inviting environment for mold growth.  

Mold growth starts after 24-48 hours after water exposure. The early mold population rapidly reproduces by releasing microscopic spores (tiny lightweight “seeds” that travel through the air), and if left unchecked they can spread all over your living space in a matter of days. Read on to learn how to detect mold, and how you can stop mold growth right in its tracks.

5 Signs That Your Carpet Has Mold

Given their rapid spread, it is important to identify mold growth on carpet early and call in a home mold removal company.

Below are five common signs that your carpet has mold.

1.    Carpet Discoloration

Although mold is likely to grow deep into the carpet where it is hard to see, in its advanced stages you may notice black, white or green spots (similar to what you see when you leave bread out for too long). Any slight discoloration should be investigated further and should not be dismissed as mildew (see below).

How to tell the difference between mold and mildew:
Mold tends to appear in shades of green, blue, or red.
Mildew (a type of fungus) typically appears in shades of white.

If the mold contamination advances to the extent that it is visibly staining your carpet, contact an in-home mold removal company to see if they can help salvage the carpet. If the carpet can’t be salvaged, dispose of and replace it immediately.

If you’re concerned about mold, even if there is no evidence of mold growth at the top of your carpet, regularly inspect your carpet’s underside for signs of mold growth and dampness.

2.    A Bad Odor

A bad odor is the first sign of active mold growth in your home. The odor might not be immediately apparent if you spend most of your time indoors. Take note of any visitors’ comments on a musty smell and take immediate action by checking your carpet and the rest of your home for signs of mold.

3.    Increase in Allergies While Inside

Increased allergic reactions including a runny nose, sneezing, breathing problems, coughing, and eye irritation could be indicative of mold infestation. While these symptoms should always be immediately brought to a physician’s attention, you should follow up that doctor’s visit by having your house thoroughly inspected for the presence of mold.

4.    A Water-damaged or Damp Carpet

A carpet that has been subjected to water damage either from flooding, standing water, or spillages should be either cleaned and dried within 24-48 hours or be disposed of. If you notice wet or damp spots on your carpet, it could be as a result of leakages beneath it. Inspect the floor for signs of leaks and have the carpet cleaned and dried immediately.  

5.   Using a Mold Testing Kit

If you suspect that your home is infested with mold, an easy way to find out is by using a mold testing kit. While you could perform the tests yourself, this is best left to a mold inspector as he or she will be able to determine the extent of the contamination and advise you on the best course of action.

How to Limit Mold Growth on Your Carpet

Getting rid of mold on hard surfaces such as tiles isn’t easy, to begin with, but removal gets even harder when the mold is embedded in your rugs and carpet.

What’s the best way to deal with carpet mold? - You guessed it: don’t let it happen in the first place.

  1. Keep Your Home’s Humidity Level Lower than 60% (Much Lower)

Keeping the humidity levels in your home low is the first step towards retaining a mold-free carpet. The EPA (The Environmental Protection Agency) recommends that home humidity levels be kept at around 30% to 50%, with 60% being the highest desirable limit. The easiest way to achieve this is by using a dehumidifier. If you don’t have a dehumidifier, you can substitute in regular fans, or just open the windows to ensure that there is constant air circulation.

2. Clean Your Carpet Every Week (Yes, Every Week)

Though obvious, this is an important one to keep in mind. The strongest preventative measure you can take against mold growth on your carpets is - you guessed it - keeping them clean. Keeping your carpet clean is one of the most effective mold mitigation measures and an easy one at that.

Generally speaking, there is no measurable way to determine how clean your carpet needs to be, but at the very minimum, you should be vacuuming your rugs and carpets every week. On top of that, you should hire a professional carpet cleaning company at least once per year to deep clean your carpets and rugs, getting rid of any inactive mold spores and other toxins that are waiting for a spilled glass of water to thrive. And, if you haven’t been keeping up with a tight cleaning schedule, clean and treat your carpet with a carpet cleaner immediately after spillages.

3. Call in a Mold Remediation Company if You Suspect Mold Damage

Do you think your carpet or rugs have incurred mold damage?

If you experienced a flood, whether it be from environmental factors, a broken water heater, or anything in between, call in a Dallas water damage restoration company to remove excess water and dry the affected surfaces, thereby making it difficult for mold to reproduce.

Next, get in touch with a home mold removal company for residential spaces or a commercial mold removal company for business spaces and offices. If you have any health problems, especially respiratory problems, or environmental allergies, you should call in a professional instead of attempting to clean up the mold by yourself. Cleaning up mold exposes you to mold spores that can worsen your allergies.

Also, most mold remediation professionals in Dallas, TX offer free consultations in your home. With this in mind, there’s nothing to lose. You only stand to benefit from expert advice about keeping your carpet mold free.

Reclaim the ambiance of your living space today by calling in a mold remediation company in Dallas to inspect and clean your carpet. Working with an expert guarantees you of effective mold removal and, most importantly limits further damaging mold spread. To speak with a mold inspector in Dallas today, call us at (972) 986-7677.

Mold Inspection in Dallas Fort Worth

2/7/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO North Irving is a licensed Texas Mold Remediation Contractor. We've served DFW for over 30 years.

Mold Symptoms

Mold inspections are a popular request for us.  Many families and businesses in Dallas Fort Worth experiencing typical mold symptoms, including allergic reactions, often call us and ask for a mold inspection.

SERVPRO of North Irving offers free, no-obligation mold inspections.  If you’d like to schedule an inspection, give us a call at (972) 986-7677 or contact us.

Mold Inspection Process

Our mold inspection process is straightforward.  After you’ve scheduled one of our mold specialists to come out, expect the following:

  • Ask you to show us where you suspect mold growth.
  • Inspect the trouble area and its surroundings.
  • Inspect areas of a home where there are high chances for growth.
  • If you’ve had previous water damage, mold may grow there, too.  We’ll inspect previous water damage areas.
  • Take documentation of any growth we find.
  • If we find growth, we can suggest immediate steps you can take, such as containment and HEPA air scrubbing, while we prepare your estimate.

Texas State Mold Law

The process for mold remediation depends on the size of the mold colony we find.  The process is the same whether we’re handling a household mold problem in a business’ commercial property.  

Mold clean up in Dallas Fort Worth can go one of two ways according to Texas State Mold Law.

  • Mold Under 25 Contiguous Square Feet

Mold of this size does not require any reports be filed with Texas.  We can begin mold remediation services immediately.

  • Mold Over 25 Contiguous Square Feet

This mold size falls under Texas Mold Assessment And Remediation Rules (TMARR), which requires:

  • A Texas Licensed Mold Assessor to write a Mold Protocol.  We can give you a list of assessors for you to choose from since we cannot, legally, choose one for you.
  • A Texas Licensed Mold Contractor (us) will file a Work Plan and schedule the job with the state.  Afterward, we must legally wait at least five (5) business days before beginning remediation.
  • When we finish the mold remediation, the Mold Assessor will check the property and issue a Clearance Document.
  • The Texas Licensed Mold contractor (us) will issue a Certificate of Mold Damage Remediation.  This documents the success of the mold cleanup.  

Process for Mold Remediation in Dallas

The mold remediation process is different for every property but generally involves:

  • Setting up mold containment.  This prevents mold spores from traveling to other parts of the property.
  • HEPA air scrubbers and filtration to remove airborne spores.
  • Depending on the damage the mold has caused, the mold can either be removed from the surface or the surface will have to be removed.
  • The mold will be bagged and taken away for proper disposal.
  • If any part of your home had to be removed, it can be reconstructed by our team.

When Can Mold Removal Happen?

Mold cleanup can happen at any time of the day.  Many residential homeowners choose to have their mold remediated during regular business hours.  Our dispatching team can work on a time and date that works for you.

You do not have to be home for remediation to take place.  We are happy to install a temporary lock box to work while you’re away.  

For business owners and commercial properties, we understand mold cleanup has to happen after hours to avoid business interruption.  This is a perfectly reasonable request and one that we have granted many times before. Mold cleanup can occur after your employees have left for the day, on the weekends, and even overnight.  Simply let us know what your needs are, and we’ll be happy to work out a schedule that works for you.

How Did I Get Mold?

Many people who need mold removal in Dallas wonder how their property became infested with mold in the first place.  Mold is a natural part of our environment, and it can not be 100% removed. The goal in proper mold removal is to get the levels of mold spores in the air back to a safe level; this is especially important for individuals who have mold sensitivity.  There are also types of toxic mold that should be removed as quickly as it’s found.

Small levels of mold will be airborne in almost all environments.  Mold can:

  • Enter when windows or doors are left open.
  • Attach itself to your pet’s fur and be dropped when your furry friend lays anywhere in your property.
  • Attach itself to your clothing, including leather.
  • Come in from your HVAC system.

Prevent Mold Growth

It’s very easy for mold to grow in just about all environments.  Tips to help prevent mold growth are:

  • Make sure any water damage is properly remediated.  
  • Keep doors and windows airtight so no weather can come in.
  • Keep humidity levels in your property low (50% or below).
  • Check for mold growth sporadically in high-growth prone areas to avoid bad surprises.

How Does Mold Grow?

Mold prefers damp, dark, and undisturbed spaces.  To grow, mold needs a source of food, and it will often find food in a moist piece of drywall, wood, and even clothing.  

Knowing mold’s preference for growth gives us valuable clues when we begin investigating your home for mold infestation.  When we arrive for mold inspection, we will search the typical mold growth places along with any other area of your home that has experienced previous water damage.

Common places for mold damage in homes are:

  • Kitchens: under sinks and mold in drywall behind kitchen cabinets
  • Bathrooms
  • Laundry Rooms
  • Garages
  • Attics
  • Water Heater Closets

Indoor Air Quality Testing

We do not perform air quality testing ourselves, but we have great partnerships with air quality agencies in North Texas.  If you’d like an air quality test done on your property, we are glad to arrange a test and work with our partners.

If higher than normal levels of biological pollutants are found in your property, such as mold, we will inspect your property for its cause.  While we are inspecting for mold, we can install HEPA air scrubbers that will filter the air in your property and remove up to 99% of the contaminants.  HEPA air filtration will continue as the mold remediation process continues. Air scrubbing may improve the quality of your air while the root of the problem is assessed and removed.

Identifying Mold

You may want to know the specific type of mold that is growing on your property.  This is especially true when we find black mold. Testing for a specific type of mold is often unnecessary.  When we remediate mold, we treat every kind with the same level of caution regardless of its known toxicity level.  

The remediation steps for every kind of mold is the same.  Often, many different types of mold are found in one location.  For these reasons, we do not test for the type of mold unless a customer specially requests it.

We will take a sample of the mold we find on your property and deliver the sample to a certified mold testing lab.  Results are often quick -- they can be ready and delivered back to you in less than 72 hours.

Schedule a Free Mold Inspection in Dallas Fort Worth

Are you ready for us to inspect your property?  You have a few mold removal companies in Dallas to choose from, and we want you to feel comfortable with your choice.  If you have questions, contact us and we’ll be happy to answer them for you.

We’re available to take your call 24 hours a day.  Proper mold remediation isn’t optional, and you need a company with plenty of previous experience and success.  We are a licensed Texas Mold Remediation Contractor with over 30 years of service to all residential and commercial properties in North Texas.  We’ve helped thousands of property owners, and we can help you, too.

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Mold Remediation Dallas

9/4/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Damage on Wall SERVPRO of North Irving has a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offers free mold inspections.

What is mold?

Mold is a naturally occurring fungus.  It’s present in all kinds of environments, both indoors and outdoors.  Mold spores are microscopic and spread through the air, which makes mold growth easy when its disturbed by air.  The best environment for mold growth is a dark, warm, and humid room. We often see the need for mold remediation in rooms where a source of water is introduced, like kitchens, bathrooms, attics, and laundry rooms.

What does mold look like?

Mold can have different looks.  Keep in mind that no one knows exactly how many types of mold exist, but estimates are in the hundreds of thousands!  The two most common types of mold we see have:

  • Spots - black, green, white, yellow, or other colors
  • Fuzzy growth - it’ll look like it has tiny hair on it

What does mold smell like?

Mold has a musty smell.  Some people may also describe it as sweet.  

Mold Inspection Dallas

If you suspect mold in your home, we’re glad to provide a free mold assessment and bid to anyone in Dallas Fort Worth.  We can many times be at your property within 24 hours, especially if you’re in the greater Dallas area. Our mold remediation specialist will visit your property and check the common trouble spots for mold, like bathrooms, the kitchen, and laundry room.  They’ll also ask if you’ve ever had a water damage or pipe leak. Sometimes mold growth is obvious. We usually see mold on walls or mold on carpets. Other times, more investigative work is needed.

If we find mold damage in your home, we’ll provide you with a bid for mold remediation.  We have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor license, and we’re trusted professional mold experts in Dallas Fort Worth.  The Texas licensing office responsible for Mold Law is the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Different Types of Mold in Homes

When we do find mold in a property, we’re often asked what kind of mold it is.  There are common molds found in homes that we remediate on a daily basis, but for us to be sure of its exact kind, we need to perform mold testing.  We commonly find:

  • Acremonium
  • Alternaria
  • Aspergillus
  • Chaetomium
  • Cladosporium
  • Stachybotrys
  • Ulocladium

Professional Mold Testing

Even though we are glad to perform mold testing, is it almost never necessary.  Unless you have a health or insurance-related reason to know, we advise you to skip testing, and its added expense, and go straight to mold remediation services.  Our mold specialists treat any kind of mold we find with the same level of care and safety.

Black Mold Removal Dallas

The most common concern from our clients is when they find black mold in their property.  We understand why they request emergency mold removal -- there are many websites that have articles written about the toxicity of black mold. While not all black-colored mold is toxic, it’s best to err on the side of caution.

If you are suffering from serious health effects, leave the area until our mold specialists can visit your property.  We can respond to almost every request for a mold inspection within one to two days. Be aware that the size of the mold growth determines the procedure we can legally perform mold remediation services.  At the very least, our technicians can set up containment and air scrubbers with HEPA filtration to help improve the condition of your home.

Proper Mold Removal and Texas Mold Law

Mold remediation steps involve Texas Mold Law.  Let’s say we do find mold on your property.  One of two things will happen.

  • The Mold is Under 25 Contiguous Feet

Contiguous means the mold is touching. Mold of this size requires no documentation to be filed with the State of Texas.  This means we can begin mold remediation services immediately.

  1. The Mold is Over 25 Contiguous Feet

This size of mold falls under Texas Mold Assessment And Remediation Rules (TMARR), which requires:

  • A Texas Licensed Mold Assessor to write a Mold Protocol.  We cannot legally choose an assessor for you.  Instead, we can give you a list of assessors for you to choose from.
  • A Texas Licensed Mold Contractor (us) will file a Work Plan and schedule the job with the State of Texas.  Once the Work Plan is filed, we must legally wait at least five (5) business days before starting the job.
  • When we finish the mold remediation, the Mold Assessor has to check the cleaning to make sure it’s successful.  If it is, they will issue a Clearance Document.
  • The Texas Licensed Mold contractor (us) can then issue a Certificate of Mold Damage Remediation to you which documents the success of the mold cleanup.  Keep this document and give a copy to your insurance provider.  You’ll also want to hold on to it for any future home buyer to prove you’ve taken care of your mold problem correctly.

We have dealt with both mold situations many times.  We will walk you through the process and make sure you’re taken care of.

SERVPRO Dallas Mold Removal Cost

For us to be able to give you a bid, we have to perform a free mold inspection.  We don’t want to promise you one price only to find out that you need less or more mold remediation work done to correctly remediate your home.

There are many mold remediation companies in Dallas Fort Worth, but few are full service.  When you trust SERVPRO of North Irving, you can expect:

  • A Job File Coordinator to be assigned especially to you.  They will work with your insurance company to process your mold remediation claim.
  • If you do not have mold coverage or wish to not involve your insurance company, we will provide you with a no-obligation bid.
  • We will perform containment, HEPA vacuuming, HEPA air filtration, and mold remediation.  If the mold has permanently damaged an area of your home, we will remove it and dispose of it properly.  Our reconstruction team will then handle any mold damage repair after remediation is complete.
  • If we find contents in your home that have been affected by mold, we can either clean them on the spot or take them back to our cleaning facility for mold removal.
  • We are one of the few Esporta certified firms in Dallas Fort Worth, which makes us trained and qualified to remove mold from clothes.  If you have moldy clothing, we can also take it back to our cleaning facility.

Trusted Leader in Mold Clean up, Dallas Texas

SERVPRO of North Irving is a water damage restoration and fire and smoke damage restoration company in Dallas Texas.  We have performed work in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano, McKinney, Grapevine, Waxahachie, Midlothian, Ennis, and other North Texas communities for over 30 years.  With our crews responding immediately to jobs, we are faster to any size disaster. We also have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offer free mold inspections.  You can trust us to restore your home or business.

Our crews are available dispatch for 24 hour emergencies every day of the year. We can be reached 24/7 at (972) 986-7677.  Call us any time!

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Additional Mold Articles:

Mold Remediation Process FAQ

How to Prevent Mold Growth After a Water Damage

How Quick is Mold Removal?

How to Find Mold in Your Home

Dallas Mold Remediation Process FAQ

8/29/2018 (Permalink)

Dallas Mold Remediation Service In Building wearing hazmat suit Our business has a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor license and is ready to help you any time.

Dallas Mold Remediation Process FAQ

What is Mold?

Mold is a naturally occurring fungus.  It’s present in all kinds of environments, both indoors and outdoors.  Mold spores are microscopic and spread through the air, which makes mold growth easy when its disturbed by air.  The best environment for mold growth is a dark, warm, and humid room. We often see the need for mold remediation in rooms where a source of water is introduced, like kitchens, bathrooms, attics, and laundry rooms.

Does Mold Removal Take Care of All Mold?

100% mold removal is not possible.  Since mold is a natural part of our environment, removing it completely is an impossible task.  Although most people think “mold removal” is what happens when they have a cleanup, the better term is “mold remediation.”  Mold remediation companies eliminate a large amount of mold to make the environment safe and healthy for habitation again.

What Happens in a Mold Inspection?

Every mold remediation company works differently.  The mold inspection process our business uses as follows:

  • Our mold inspections and bids are free.
  • We receive a call from a customer and schedule a time to inspect their property.  We can almost always be there within a day.
  • We send a mold remediation specialist to inspect your property.  They will look for the usual hot spots and ask you questions about your property’s history with water damages, roof damage, and anything that will help them know where mold may be growing.
  • If we find mold, we will take its measurements and photo documentation.  Shortly, we’ll present you with a bid to remediate your mold.
  • If your mold is large enough, we will have to report it to the State of Texas.  The process for a large mold like this is more throughout, but we will guide you through it every step of the way.  
  • If your mold is small enough to not need official Texas documentation, we can start your project as soon as you approve our mold cleanup bid.
  • If we don’t find mold on your property, we will ask if you are experiencing symptoms or other smells that may indicate mold.  Sometimes, the problem isn’t mold but something else. In each case, we will try to solve your problem.

Do I Need Mold Testing?

Few people really need to know the exact type of mold found on their property.  All mold remediation is treated with the same level of caution and care, and knowing the type of mold present will not change our procedure.  Unless you have a specific medical or personal need to know the type of mold, we advice against mold testing. If you do request mold testing, we will take a sample of your mold to a licensed mold testing laboratory.  Most results are ready within 3 days.

How Do I Get Mold Out of Clothes?

Throwing moldy clothes your home’s washing machine will not guarantee that all the spores are removed.  Instead, trust us to get the job done correctly for you.

We are one of the few Esporta licensed businesses in North Texas.  We have a specialized machine that uses a mixture of up to six detergents dedicated to washing contamination out of clothing.  Our mold remediation specialists will take your moldy clothes and take them back to our cleaning facility for mold removal. Emergency items can be returned to you within 3 days, and most loads are ready in under 2 weeks.  

How Much is Mold Remediation Cost?

It’s important for us to perform a mold inspection at your property to give you an accurate bid.  Our mold inspections and bids are free. Call us any time.

Do You Remove Black Mold?

Yes, we have successfully removed black mold in many homes and businesses.  

Does Bleach Kill Mold?

Bleach damages the mold’s structure.  However, mold remediation is not as easy as grabbing a bottle of bleach and doing your own cleanup.  In fact, DIY mold removal projects involving bleach is one of the most popular causes for the accidental spread of mold spores. What was once a small project becomes a larger one.

What is Texas Mold Law?

Texas Mold Law comes into effect when the size of your mold is over 25 contiguous feet.  This size of mold falls under Texas Mold Assessment And Remediation Rules (TMARR), which requires:

  • A Texas Licensed Mold Assessor to write a Mold Protocol.  We cannot legally choose an assessor for you.  Instead, we can give you a list of assessors for you to choose from.
  • A Texas Licensed Mold Contractor (us) will file a Work Plan and schedule the job with the State of Texas.  Once the Work Plan is filed, we must legally wait at least five (5) business days before starting the job.
  • When we finish the mold remediation, the Mold Assessor has to check the cleaning to make sure it’s successful.  If it is, they will issue a Clearance Document.
  • The Texas Licensed Mold contractor (us) can then issue a Certificate of Mold Damage Remediation to you which documents the success of the mold cleanup.  Keep this document and give a copy to your insurance provider.  You’ll also want to hold on to it for any future home buyer to prove you’ve taken care of your mold problem correctly.

Our business has a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor license and is ready to help you any time.

What Do I Do If There’s Mold in Apartment?

If you find mold in your apartment, one of the first questions you may ask is if you are responsible for the mold remediation cost or the apartment complex.  We get asked this question often, but the only person who will be able to answer you is your landlord. Ask to see your rental agreement and how damages like these are covered.

Trusted Leader in Water Damage Restoration and Fire Damage Restoration in Dallas Texas

SERVPRO of North Irving is a water damage restoration and fire and smoke damage restoration company in Dallas Texas.  We have performed work in Dallas and other North Texas communities for over 30 years.  We also have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offer free mold inspections.

Our crews are available dispatch for 24 hour emergencies every day of the year. We can be reached 24/7 at (972) 986-7677.  Call us any time!

“Like it never even happened,” only happens here.

How to Prevent Mold Growth After Water Damage in Dallas

1/17/2018 (Permalink)

Dallas mold inspection If you find or suspect mold in your home or business, call the Dallas mold remediation professionals at SERVPRO for a free mold inspection.

When a water damage remediation is handled properly, the chance for mold growth should remain small.  Choosing the right Dallas water damage restoration company plays a big part in preventing mold growth after a water damage.

Water Damage Restoration Tips for Dallas Residents

Make sure the water damage company you hire does the following:

  • Makes you a priority.  If you give them a call and they don’t give you a specific time frame for arrival, look elsewhere.  A water damage needs to start being remediated as quickly as possible to avoid secondary damage. Mold growth, for example, starts after only 48 hours.
  • Uses professional equipment.  They should use at least use air movers or axial fans and dehumidifiers.  More advanced restoration companies may also use water extraction mats to help save hardwood floors.  
  • Disinfectant affected areas.  This is especially important when your water damage is a Category 2 or Category 3 (gray or black water).  These categories of water have contaminants that can be unsafe to the touch.
  • Has a drying plan.  If the company you hire just wants to just perform water removal, they are not completing the project properly.  Find someone else who will do the job right.
  • Use professional equipment to monitor the drying process.  The right water restoration company will visit your property every day.  They will make sure the humidity in your home is decreasing and everything is drying quickly.  They should write down all of their data and be able to present it to you or your insurance adjuster upon request.
  • Can work with your insurance company.  There are lots of small companies that are willing to send you a bill, but not everyone has the experience to work with all insurance companies to process your water damage claim.  

Water Damages and Mold

Mold grows in humid environments, so it's natural that mold growth happens readily after a water damage.  Your water damage restoration company should do all they can to prevent mold growth after a damage. It’s still important to be knowledgeable about mold growth yourself to prevent another disaster.

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that is naturally occurring in our environment.  It cannot be completely removed. Many restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold.  This isn’t possible. What you are going to be doing is removing the triggers in your home that can trigger a mold infestation.

Where Mold Growth is Likely

Mold is likely to grow in places that are

  • Dark
  • Warm
  • Humid

These places include

  • Under sinks (kitchen and bathroom)
  • Bathrooms
  • Laundry rooms
  • Near water heaters
  • Behind walls where water pipes are laid

Mold growth is also likely to grow in places that have previously had a water damage that wasn’t dried properly.  

Sign of Mold Growth

If you smell something musty in the air or see colored spots growing on your walls, you may have mold.  Common mold colors are black, white, and green.

If you find mold or suspect mold in your home or business, leave it alone and call the experienced Dallas mold remediation professionals at SERVPRO instead.  We offer free mold inspections.

Mold Prevention Tips

  1. Fix anything that is leaking.  

That includes pipes, windows, and your roof.  A leak that isn’t fixed will eventually cause mold growth and damage the structure that is absorbing its moisture.  Most people discover a leak when they see secondary damage to their home. Examples include a small pool of water on the floor or a water spot on their ceiling.

If you find water damage to your ceiling, read our article “Ceiling Water Damage” and know what the next steps to take are.

  1. Control the humidity in your home.  

Mold likes to grow in high humidity.  An appropriate humidity level for your home is 40-50% Relative Humidity (RH).  In the winter months, it may be lower than 40% RH. You can purchase a home hygrometer and temperature gauge at your local home and hardware store or online for less than $10.

  1. Ventilate humid areas.  

Humid areas in homes are typically the kitchen, shower, and laundry areas where warm water is used.  After doing any of these activities, turn on your ventilation fan.

  1. Hire an experienced and proven water damage cleanup company.  

If your property experiences flooding, hire a company with a record of successfully cleaning water damages from properties.  This company should be easy to find online and have a long reputation as a leader in the restoration industry. Make sure they have a 24 hour emergency line and that they can serve you as your emergency starts.

Trusted Leader in Mold Remediation in Dallas, Texas

SERVPRO of North Irving is a water damage restoration and fire and smoke damage restoration company in Dallas, Texas.  We have performed work in the Dallas community for over 30 years.  We also have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offer free mold inspections.

Our crews are available dispatch for 24 hour emergencies every day of the year. We can be reached 24/7 at (972) 986-7677.  Call us any time!

“Like it never even happened,” only happens here.

How Quick is Mold Removal?

1/17/2018 (Permalink)

As mold experts with a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License, we understand mold and mold growth.

How Quick is Mold Removal?

When a residential or commercial property owner finds has a mold problem, one of the first questions we are often is how long does the mold removal process take.  

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that naturally occurs in our environment and exists in microscopic spores.  It cannot be removed from an environment completely.

Mold Removal versus Mold Remediation

Many mold remediation companies advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee they will remove all mold.  This isn’t possible.  As mold experts with a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License, we understand mold and mold growth.  

When you call us out for a mold job, we will first perform a mold inspection.  Our goal is to find the source of the mold and find out how much it has spread and onto what surfaces.  Figuring out the mold’s spread is crucial to complying with Texas State Mold Law.

Texas State Mold Law

Texas requires a licensed mold remediation contractors to remediate mold in residential and most commercial properties when the size of the mold is more than 25 contiguous square feet.  This means that mold growth under this rule does not need to be reported to the state.

The speed of the job depends on the size of the mold growth.  

When we perform a mold inspection, we will be able to tell you quickly if the size of your mold growth falls under the requirements of Texas State Mold Law or not.  

Mold Less than 25 Contiguous Square Feet

If the mold growth is less than 25 contiguous square feet, then the mold does not need to be filed with Texas.  Our mold remediation specialists can begin remediation immediately.

Mold More than 25 Contiguous Square Feet

If the mold growth is more than 25 contiguous square feet, then it falls under Texas Mold Assessment And Remediation Rules (TMARR), which require:

  • A Texas Licensed Mold Assessor to write a Mold Protocol.  We cannot legally choose an assessor for you, but we can give you a list of assessors for you to choose from.  Make an appointment with them and ask for a Mold Protocol.
  • A Texas Licensed Mold Contractor (us) will file a Work Plan and schedule the job with the State of Texas.  Once the Work Plan is filed, we must legally wait at least five (5) business days before starting the job.
  • When we finish the mold remediation, the Mold Assessor has to check the cleaning to make sure it’s successful.  If it is, they will issue a clearance document.
  • The Texas Licensed Mold contractor (us) can then issue a Certificate of Mold Damage Remediation to you which documents the success of the cleanup.  Forward this document to your insurance company and keep it in your files for any future home buyer.

What To Do with Your Mold Until Help Arrives

We can often arrive at your property within a day of your call, but if your mold growth falls under the Texas Mold Law guidelines, there are a few things to keep in mind while the five days mandatory waiting period pass.

  • We can install mold containment.  We will install mold containment around the moldy area to prevent spores from escaping the space.  The containment should not be disturbed.
  • We can install air scrubbers with HEPA filters.  We can install these specialized air scrubbers to catch any mold spores that may be in the air.  This will prevent the spread of mold to other areas of the property.
  • Do not disturb the area with mold.  Disturbing mold is very easy -- all it takes is some wind to blow the spores around.  For this reason, we ask you to leave the contained area the way we leave it.
  • Do not attempt to clean the mold yourself.  Many times, mold spread is caused by someone unfamiliar with professional mold remediation practices.  Leave the mold cleanup licensed professionals who can properly restore your home.

The Mold Remediation Process

Whether we can start immediately or we’ve been cleared by Texas, the mold remediation process is straightforward. 

  • Our mold remediation specialists will use the appropriate chemicals to clean the area where the mold growth is.  
  • Mold containment and HEPA air scrubbers will continue to run throughout the duration of the project.  We do this to make sure no spores travel and infest another area of your home.
  • If you have mold infested clothing or other objects, we will take them to our cleaning facility for sanitation.  We are one of the Esporta licensed businesses in North Texas with the technology and certifications required to perform mold removal services on clothing.
  • When mold is left alone long enough, it begins to eat the surface it’s living on.  If we find that the mold has caused permanent damage to your property, that part of your structure has to be cut out.  We will dispose of all mold containing debris according to Texas Mold Law.
  • If you choose, our reconstruction team will rebuild any portion of your home that had to have demolition.  Reconstruction is crucial when the affected structure is part of the structural integrity of the home, such as attic beams or load bearing walls.
  • Our mold specialists will sanitize and seal any mold affected area to prevent future mold growth.
  • If you have filed an insurance claim, we will work with your insurance adjuster to get your mold remediation claim approved and processed.  
  • We will provide a final clean up of the remediated area to make sure its safe for all inhabitants.

Trusted Leader in Water Damage Restoration and Fire Damage Restoration in Dallas Texas

SERVPRO of North Irving is a water damage restoration and fire and smoke damage restoration company in Dallas Texas.  We have performed work in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano, McKinney, Grapevine, Waxahachie, Midlothian, Ennis, and other North Texas communities for over 30 years.  We also have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offer free mold inspections.

Our crews are available dispatch for 24 hour emergencies every day of the year. We can be reached 24/7 at (972) 986-7677.  Call us any time!

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How Does Mold Grow in Dallas?

1/17/2018 (Permalink)

Dallas Mold On Walls of Home Mold reproduces by spores. When it’s disturbed, the mold spores fly into the air.

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that occurs naturally in the environment.  We find mold outdoors, indoors -- pretty much everywhere.

Mold becomes a problem when its levels get too high.  Some sensitive individuals may react to mold more readily than others, but 100% mold removal is impossible.  The goal is a professional mold remediation company is to remove as much mold as possible from a home or business so that its levels are safe and healthy.

In What Conditions Does Mold Grow in Dallas?

Mold loves to grow in warm, dark, and moist environments.  People living in warmer climates tend to have more mold growth problems than those living in colder temperatures, but mold growth is still possible everywhere.  We’ve even seen mold grow in a freezer!

How Does Mold Grow?

Mold reproduces by spores.  When it’s disturbed, the mold spores fly into the air.  If the mold spore lands on another service that it can live off of, it will.  Mold needs moisture to survive, so the likely spot where you will see mold growth is in a place that is humid.

How Does Mold Spread?

We typically find mold right at the source of water that it's feeding on.  For example, we often find mold under sinks, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Typically, there is a small water pipe leak that hasn’t been detected.

Sometimes, we also see mold growing in a spot away from the original leak.  This is because the mold was disturbed at some point and cased its spores to fly into the air.  

There doesn’t have to be a leak near the mold growth for it to grow.  Mold can come into your home or business from outdoors through doorways, windows, the HVAC system, and even on your clothing or pet’s fur.  

How Long Does it Take for Mold to Grow?

With a constant source of food, mold can begin growing in as little as 48 hours.  Food for mold are materials like wood, drywall, and cotton. Add some moisture to that, and your mold will be actively reproducing.  

Mold growth is quick.  This is why our company wastes no time when our customers have water damage.  We have a 24-hour emergency line, and we are available every day of the year. No matter the time of day, we will respond to any water damage emergency in an effort to avoid secondary damage to your home, such as mold growth.

Other Mold FAQ

When a homeowner or commercial property manager finds mold, they often have a lot of questions.  When our mold specialists arrive to inspect the property, we’re often asked:

  • Is mold dangerous?
  • How fast is mold remediation?

Is Mold Dangerous?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mold may cause a variety of health effects in some individuals and none in others.  

Our mold remediation specialists treat all mold in the same way.  Safety is always our top priority, which is why we take every precaution when performing mold cleanup.

How Quickly Can You Get Rid of Mold?

Mold is a natural part of our environment and cannot be completely removed. Dallas mold remediation companies who make the claim to be able to fully remove your environment of mold simply can’t. Instead, we can remediate mold growth to help the levels of mold in your property be safe for its inhabitants.  

How quickly we can remediate your mold depends on its size.  We’ll have a better idea of the length of your mold remediation project once we have completed a mold inspection.

Texas Mold Law

Texas requires a licensed mold contractor to remediate your mold, which our SERVPRO location is. Texas Mold Law states that:

If your mold is under than 25 contiguous square feet, the mold does not need to be reported to Texas and we can begin remediation immediately.  

If your mold is over 25 contiguous feet, then the mold falls under Texas Mold Assessment And Remediation Rules (TMARR), which requires:

  • A Texas Licensed Mold Assessor to write a Mold Protocol.  We cannot legally choose an assessor for you. Instead, we can give you a list of assessors for you to choose from.
  • A Texas Licensed Mold Contractor (us) will file a Work Plan and schedule the job with the State of Texas.  Once the Work Plan is filed, we must legally wait at least five (5) business days before starting the job.
  • When we finish the mold remediation, the Mold Assessor has to check the cleaning to make sure it’s successful.  If it is, they will issue a Clearance Document.
  • The Texas Licensed Mold contractor (us) can then issue a Certificate of Mold Damage Remediation to you which documents the success of the mold cleanup.  Keep this document and give a copy to your insurance provider. You’ll also want to hold on to it for any future home buyer to prove you’ve taken care of your mold problem correctly.

Our mold specialists will walk you through the mold remediation process regardless if it's documented with the state of Texas or not.  We’ll make sure you and your property are taken care of.

Trusted Leader in Water Damage Restoration and Fire Damage Restoration in Dallas Texas

SERVPRO of North Irving is a Dallas water damage restoration and fire and smoke damage restoration company in Dallas Texas. We have performed work in Dallas for over 30 years.  We also have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offer free mold inspections.

Our crews are available dispatch for 24-hour emergencies every day of the year. We can be reached 24/7 at (972) 986-7677.  Call us anytime!

“Like it never even happened,” only happens here.

How to Remove Mold from Clothes

1/11/2018 (Permalink)

Mold on boots These mold affected boots were restored by our Esporta mold remediation specialists after they were in a water damage.

How to Remove Mold from Clothes

It happens more often than we think.  A water damage happens on a 3 day weekend.  When you come back, not only do you have a water damage on your property, but you see that your closet is wet and you now have mold on your clothes and all your pairs of shoes.  How do you get rid of mold?

We’ve seen articles online about removing mold from clothing.  The formula often involves a bristled brush, a spray bottle, and some sort of liquid like rubbing alcohol or white vinegar.  Sometimes, baking soda is also involved. You may be able to remove the mold from the surface of the textile, but about the remaining mold -- the spores that are embedded into the fabric itself?  You’re going to need more than a bristle brush to take care of that.

Mold Remediation Process

It’s time to start the water damage and mold removal process.  What should you do?

  1. Take care of your water damage.  This is the most important step because it impacts the home you’re living in.  The longer water is allowed to stand, the more thoroughly it will soak everything and have the possibility of causing secondary damage to your floors and carpets.  Without water damage remediation, mold can begin growing in as little as 48 hours.
  2. Ask for a mold inspection.  A reputable mold restoration company will be able to inspect your property for free and find the trouble areas that need to be remediated.  Make sure you hire someone with a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License.
  3. Hire a mold remediation company that can remove mold from clothing in house.   Ask if they can remove the mold from your clothes at their own facilities.  There are two reasons to ask this. First, any portion of your job that is subcontracted will add to your bill, and the least expensive choice is usually to choose a company that can do the mold cleanup themselves.  Second, sending your moldy clothes to a traditional dry cleaner is not a good idea. Dry cleaners traditionally do not have the proper equipment and certification to remove mold. If the company you’ve hired says yes, they should be able to take any affected clothing, shoes, etcetera and immediately take them back for cleaning.  
  4. Ask about their mold remediation process.  
    1. How will I know my clothing is safe to wear again?
    2. What if I need some clothing back soon?
    3. When will I receive my items back?
    4. Will you work with my insurance company so textile mold removal can be part of my claim?

We are Full Service Mold Experts

SERVPRO of North Irving is one of the few full service mold abatement companies in North Texas.  We can take care of your water damage, home mold removal, and we are certified by the Esporta Wash System to remove mold from your clothing.

Available 24 hours a Day

We’re available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.  We can be at your door in 4 hours or less to mitigate your water damage.

Esporta Certified to Remove Mold From Clothes

We are one of the few Esporta Certified firms in Dallas Fort Worth.  Unlike traditional dry cleaners and many of our competitors, we can clean mold affected textiles at our own in house cleaning facility.

    1. We’ve successfully cleaned over 100,000 items.  Our mold remediation process literally pushes the mold spores out of clothing using hydraulic pressure.
    2. We have mold specialists that know how to remove mold and mildew from clothing and shoes.  We have cleaned every type of clothing and textile, including leather shoes.  When we clean leather with mold or mildew, we put it in a specialized cold wash and let it air dry in a humidity controlled room.  After its dry, your cleaned leather will be moisturized.
    3. Most items are ready to be returned within 2 weeks.
    4. We also offer a 72 hour emergency item cleanup where we clean clothing you need to continue living your life while the rest of your wardrobe is getting finished.  We deliver all items back to you.

We Offer ATP Testing

We prove your clothes are clean and safe to wear again.  We use ATP testing to scientifically prove they’re food grade clean and safe to handle again.

We Work With All Insurance Companies

We work with all insurance providers to ask for your textile cleaning to be part of your claim.  Since we do not have access to your insurance policy, we can never say anything definitive until we speak with your adjuster.  In many, clothing mold removal is covered.

How to Prevent Mold After a Water Damage?  Act Quickly.

Water that is not cleaned up will permanently damage almost anything in your home.  Call us as soon as you see a water damage on your property.

Likewise, mold will also destroy what it is growing on if it's not remediated quickly.  Mold can eat clothing, leather, and even walls.

If you have mold affected clothing, we will take them back to our facilities and immediately get in contact with your insurance to try to get your claim approved.  The faster we can remediate your items, the higher the chance of your textiles being saved.

Trusted Leader in Water Damage Restoration and Fire Damage Restoration in Dallas Texas

SERVPRO of North Irving is a water damage restoration and fire and smoke damage restoration company in Dallas Texas.  We have performed work in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano, McKinney, Grapevine, Waxahachie, Midlothian, Ennis, and other North Texas communities for over 30 years.  We also have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offer free mold inspections.

Our crews are available dispatch for 24 hour emergencies every day of the year. We can be reached 24/7 at (972) 986-7677.  Call us any time!

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How to Find Mold in Dallas Home

1/3/2018 (Permalink)

Mold infested wall in Dallas home SERVPRO has a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offers free mold inspections.

How to Find Mold in Dallas Home

Finding mold in your house is never a pleasant experience.  When homeowners or renters find mold, a lot of questions go through their mind.  Am I safe? Who do I call? How much will mold remediation cost? How long will the mold removal process take?

Being proactive about mold is the best policy.  Let’s talk about the common places mold grows and what you can do to prevent mold growth in the first place.

What Environment Does Mold Grow Best In?

First, let’s understand what kind of environment mold most loves to grow in.  Mold tends to grow in a place that is:

  • Warm
  • Dark
  • Moist

These spots tend to go undisturbed in a house or apartment.  For this reason, we are not surprised to find mold growing under kitchen sinks or other places where there is a source of constant water like bathrooms or laundry rooms.

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that naturally grows in our environment.  It’s outdoors, indoors -- it’s everywhere. Getting rid of 100% of mold in a house or apartment is simply not possible, and any mold removal company that tries to sell you on that pitch won’t be able to fulfill their promise.  The best that a mold remediation company can do is remove enough mold to make your home a safe and healthy place to live in again.

Types of Mold

No one exactly knows how many types of mold exist out there.  There are some estimates in the hundreds of thousands! The best known kind of mold is black mold, which a quick search will show hundreds of articles talking about its toxicity.  Toxic black mold exists, but not every black colored mold is toxic. In fact, many molds are not harmful to human beings in small quantities.

Regardless of the type of mold you have in your home, an experienced and professional mold remediation company will treat every single type of mold with care.  Safety is always the top priority in mold cleanup, which is why our company treats all mold the same. Our mold remediation specialists will take all safety precautions to keep you and your family safe.

Mold Hot Spots

If you want to check out the most common places we find mold, inspect these portions of your home.  If you find mold in your home, give us a call.

Mold in Bathroom

Bathrooms are ideal places for mold to grow since they tend to be more humid than other rooms around the house.  Look around your tub or shower. Typically, you’ll see dark green or black spots on the caulking or wall joints.  Look also under and behind your sink, especially if you have a cabinet with pipes running inside of it and into the wall.  Also look at your exhaust vents. Mold spores are airborne and can very easily reach your fans and travel to other portions of your house if mold begins to grow in them.

Keep the humidity in your bathroom low to avoid mold.  You can do this by turning on the exhaust fans after a shower.  Also, leave your shower door open to let the water evaporate faster.

Mold on Carpet

This is common after a water damage that was not dried properly.  We see it all the time when someone tries to DIY their own water damage restoration.  This simply means that when the water absorbed into your carpet and pad, not all of it was dried quickly enough.  Depending on how long the mold has been in the carpet will determine whether we can save it or not. In almost all instances, the pad underneath the carpet will have to be replaced.

Mold starts to grow in as little as 72 hours.  This is why our business has a 24 hour emergency line to help people with water damages at any time of day, every day of the year.  We make sure to complete water extraction plus set professional drying equipment to avoid mold growth. If you have a water damage, call the professionals.  We’ll make sure your home is dried properly.

Mold on Walls

We see mold on walls when a pipe leak goes undetected for weeks or even months.  Sometimes a pipe leak is obvious because we see water coming out from under the baseboards.  But, other times, the leak is so small that it takes a while for any symptoms to show. Look for this mold problem behind walls where you know water pipes run through.

In this case, we have to cut through the wall to see what’s going on behind it.  The leak has to be fixed before we can move forward with mold remediation.

Mold on Clothes

There are a few different reasons we see mold on clothes.  One is that a water damage occurred but wasn’t cleaned up properly.  This is especially true in closets which are usually dark and warm. If you have carpet in your closet or if it's against a bathroom wall, check it out to make it's always dry and clean.  If there’s high humidity in there, mold may start to grow on your clothes.

Another common reason is that some clothing got wet, got put into a corner to be taken care of later.  Instead, it was forgotten about. When it’s found a week later, there is mold growing on top of it.

What do you do to remove mold from clothes?  Throwing it in with the rest of the laundry may not help since washing machines aren’t powerful enough to push mold spores out of fabrics.  Dry cleaners also can’t help you because they don’t have the tools or training to handle mold.

If you’re interested in trying to save your clothes, give us a call.  We are one of the few businesses in North Texas that is certified to handle mold infested clothing.  Our Esporta Wash System uses up to six special detergents and hydraulic pressure to literally push the spores out of all types of fabrics.  Best of all, we pick up and deliver your clothes back to your home.

Mold Behind Baseboards

This one won’t be easy to spot on your own.  Still, it’s important to know that if you are dealing with a water leak or have had a past water damage, finding mold behind a baseboard is common.  Usually, only a professional can help you find this.

Mold in HVAC

Mold spores fly up in the air when they’re disturbed, which is why they end up in our air ducts and HVAC system.  If you see mold growing on your vents or if you get a whiff of something musty every time the air conditioner turns on, it’s time to inspect your air ducts.  If you need help, give us a call. It’s important to take care of this quickly. If there really is mold in there, it could be spreading all throughout your house.

Mold in Attic

We usually find mold in the attic when there is roof damaged that has gone unnoticed.  After a big storm, head up to your attic and make sure everything is dry. If it’s not, call us quickly.  We’ll patch up the damaged portion of your roof and take care of your attic humidity. If you file an insurance claim, we’ll even work with your insurance company to permanently replace the damaged part of your roof.

Many folks call us when they see water spots on a ceiling.  This is often the first time they suspect something is wrong up there.  We come out for an inspection only to find out that their water heater has been leaking for a while and there’s now mold in the attic.  In this case, the mold remediation process will involve a few things: attic mold removal, beam replacement if the mold has damaged the wood, partial ceiling replacement, and water damage restoration services.

Mold Under Sink

Kitchens are popular places for mold growth because of their increased humidity level.  Look under your kitchen sink, especially if it's in a cabinet. Also, take a look behind your refrigerator and dishwasher.  If you’ve experienced a refrigerator or dishwasher leak in the past, be especially vigilant. Many plumbers are happy to help you with your leaky appliance, but few know to warn you about the wet wall and baseboards left behind.  

Free Mold Inspection

Are you still smelling something musty but can’t figure out where that smell is coming from?  If you suspect mold in your home, just give us a call. We’ll head over to your place and give you a free mold inspection and bid.  

Trusted Leader in Water Damage Restoration and Fire Damage Restoration in Dallas Texas

SERVPRO of North Irving is a water damage restoration and fire and smoke damage restoration company in Dallas Texas.  We have performed work in Dallas and other North Texas communities for over 30 years.  We also have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offer free mold inspections.

Our crews are available dispatch for 24 hour emergencies every day of the year. We can be reached 24/7 at (972) 986-7677.  Call us any time!

“Like it never even happened,” only happens here.

Dallas Mold Remediation Steps for Clothing and Textiles

11/29/2016 (Permalink)

esporta wash system for mold remediation in Dallas Our Esporta Wash System can remove mold growth from up to 85% of all soft contents and restore them to food-grade safe quality.

What Are Textiles?

Picture your home being flipped upside down.  Everything that is not attached to the house itself will fall down.  Those items that fall are called contents.  Now imagine going through all those fallen items and sorting them by what broke versus what did not break.  The items that did not break are most likely textiles.  Another name for textiles is soft contents.

Textiles include items like:

  • Sheets
  • Blankets
  • Shoes
  • Clothing
  • Stuffed animals
  • Toys
  • Sports equipment, including helmets
  • Hats

Mold can grow on textiles the same way it can grow on walls and floors.  Often, mold infested textiles are thrown away, even if they have a high sentimental value like a baby blanket.  

Moldy textiles don’t have to be thrown away.  Most of the time, these items are restorable -- with the right process.  

We take all of these kinds of items from your property and get them ready for a specialized sanitation wash in a machine called the Esporta.  We are one of the few Esporta certified businesses in North Texas, and our technicians have successfully cleaned over 100,000 items that otherwise would have been thrown away.  

Our success rate is over 85% -- among the highest in the textile restoration industry!

Proper Mold Remediation Steps for Clothing

  • Step 1:  Move Out Services

Most of the time, we handle mold infested clothing after a water damage or flood damage.  In these cases, the water damage was either not remediated correctly or was left untreated for too long.  

Mold begins to grow after only 48 hours, and we commonly find affected textiles in closets or where they got wet and were not picked up on time.  

While mold will eventually damage any surface it’s on (it will eat through it), the majority of clothing we find are still salvageable.  

All soft contents that are covered in mold are inventoried on your property.  Afterward, they are bagged and brought back to our Dallas mold remediation cleaning center.

  • Step 2: Inventory and Sorting

Back at our cleaning facilities, our Esporta technicians take a second inventory of your items to make sure nothing was lost in transit.  We present this inventory to your insurance company and work with your insurance adjuster to get your soft contents claim approved for cleaning.  Our technicians also sort the textiles by category and fiber to prepare it for the wash.

  • Step 3: Washing and Sanitizing

Contents are washed in our Esporta Wash System.  Our machine looks like a huge laundry machine, but it has different compartments inside.  We will place your clothing in one of these compartments and tell the machine what kind of cycle to run.  

After we shut the door, the bottom half of the machine fills up with water that gets mixed with up to six different detergents.  Then, the machine’s compartments start to spin rapidly.

While your clothing is locked into place and doesn’t move at all, the hydraulic pressure created by the spinning literally pushes the detergent laden water through every single layer of fabric in your comforter.  This movement causes over 99% of contaminants to be pushed out.

The lack of agitation inside the machine means your comforter stays in its position and is not rubbed or twisted.  This process makes it a lot more gentle on its fabrics.

One of the best aspects of the machine is that the clothing that comes out of the wash are food grade clean and near pH neutral.  Our detergents are environmentally friendly and safe for your skin.

  • Step 4: Drying

After the wash is complete, the soft contents enter our drying room where the humidity level is monitored.  No other contents are allowed inside to avoid cross contamination.

  • Step 5: Storage and Return

After being dried, your clothing and textiles go through a finishing process.  Like dry cleaners, we will press your clothing, hang it, and wrap it in plastic to keep dust away.  If we have other soft contents that are not clothes, they are carefully wrapped and packaged in boxes.  

If long term storage is required, we place all contents into moving or wardrobe boxes and place them in air conditioned storage.  Your soft contents can remain with us as long as you need them to.

If no storage is needed, the contents are returned to you at your convenience.

Does my insurance cover mold remediation?

Your insurance policy is a private document between you and your insurance company.  The Job File Coordinator assigned to you can ask your insurance agent for guidance, but we do not have direct access to your policy.  We understand that knowing what is covered is important in knowing how to proceed with your claim. We will do all we can to help.

What different types of mold can you remove?

We can remove all types of mold from your clothing.

Mold Removal Dallas

We have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor license and have helped many homes and businesses remove mold growth of all sizes.  We offer free mold inspections and bids.  Call us any time if you need any type of Dallas mold removal services. 

Trusted Leader in Mold Remediation, Dallas Texas

SERVPRO of North Irving is a water damage restoration and fire and smoke damage restoration company in Dallas, Texas.  We have performed work in the Dallas community for over 30 years.  With our crews responding immediately to jobs, we are faster to any size disaster. We also have a Texas Mold Remediation Contractor License and offer free mold inspections.  You can trust us to restore your home or business.

Our crews are available dispatch for 24 hour emergencies every day of the year. We can be reached 24/7 at (972) 986-7677.  Call us any time!

“Like it never even happened,” only happens here.